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By Anonymous - 28/09/2009 20:36 - United States

Today, I went to my cousin's farm with my family. First I was pooped on by a goose, peed on by a puppy, bit in the face by the mother dog, fell through the floor of the barn loft, and without knowing it was electric, rested my hand on the horse fence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 599
You deserved it 9 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah you don't belong on a farm...stick to the city

lMFAO. This could be a country song. Now alls that needs to happen is for your spouse to leave you and your dog to die.


da_funk_masta 0

you would think you would have stopped at the first few haha, but i feel for you i've been in many farm accidents.

goodtimesx2 0

i think this story is bullshit, thats why it didnt stop at the first few

This just isn't your day is it? Wah Wah Wah Wahhh

Goose shit, puppy piss, and an electric fence? Kinkyyy

Bring on the chickens, barbed wire and cement! Gonna have a sexy party...

yeah you don't belong on a farm...stick to the city

I never knew they had electric fences for horses :/ I guess I'm behind on technology.

Horses can sometimes have the bad habit of breaking down fences. Especially stallions when the mares are in heat. =) (I've seen a miniature stallion break through 2 wooden fences and nearly an electric to get to the females...Horses are tough shit)

lMFAO. This could be a country song. Now alls that needs to happen is for your spouse to leave you and your dog to die.

You're a wimp, electric horse fences don't even hurt in the slightest.

I dunno which horse fences you've touched but the two times I've come in contact with different ones it really hurt! Very temporary pain of course but the second it happened I thought someone had thrown a boulder at my arm

I have worked on a farm for the past 3 summers and ridden horses for my whole life. I have touched literally dozens of different horse fences, didn't hurt once- just a little shock like touching the doorknob after rubbing your feet on the carpet. Doesn't hurt. The volatge isn't enough to do any damage. OP is a pussy.

You must have some crazy high pain tolerance. The one time I accidentally backed up into an electric fence, it felt like someone had kicked me to the ground.

you know, it really depends what type of fence and the setting it's on. also if you have rubber shoes/boots on it won't hurt much, if at all.