By psychic parents, how do they work? :( - 31/07/2013 22:49 - United States - Effingham

Today, I went to my dad, hoping to confess something to him. He quickly said that if I'd got my girlfriend pregnant, he'd kill me. That's exactly what happened. I had to make up a lie instead about stealing $50 from his wallet once as a kid, which he then demanded I pay back in full. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 700
You deserved it 47 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

You should just tell him. Deal with the consequences like a man.

Maybe he will accept a new born child in exchange for the fifty dollars..?


Not to be a prude but If you weren't ready for the consequences, you shouldn't have been having sex. It's time to grow up and be a man and let them know what's up. After they get past the shock and disappointment, you are going to need their support. Prenatal care is important, so the sooner you two come clean, the better.

Llama_Face89 33

You, sir, need to grow a pair. Your child will need you to be a man, so act like one now!

MissA7X 11

Moral of the story: Maybe its time to be a man and own up to your mistakes. You're going to be a father after all. Though I wish those who are younger would consider other options rather than parenting.. but that's my opinion.

You could have said that you took $10 instead of $50. Anyway you're lucky. He could have demanded for $200. Time value of money dude.. 50 bucks then ain't like 50 bucks now.

you couldn't say 20 bucks? Or 10? Or man up and tell the truth, maybe?

You're gonna have to say something sometime. It's better if he finds out now than later.

You are man enough to ruin your g/f life but you can't take the heat from pops. Ask yourself what kind of a father you will make. I have learned that teenage pregnancies are tough at first, but in a few years, your parents wouldn't know what to do without that grandchild. Stop the lying and man up. It's a birth not a death.

Ins0mau 20

I don't think he just "ruined" his girlfriends life single handedly. It's not like he raped her. They both bear responsibility.

How did HE ruin his gfs life? They each equally ruined each others life.

I have a solution to not getting your girlfriend pregnant. It's really and truly brilliant. I don't know if you've heard this before. You probably haven't, but it's a little word called, "abstinence."

I have a solution to never getting cheated on: don't date. And a solution for nothing shitty ever happening to a person again: commit suicide. Doesn't mean it's the sane option, or the only effective one. What is this, Sunday School? Condoms and/or the pill wouldn't have gone amiss here, but if they were used, then that's just one of life's uncommon fuckups and it has its own solutions, no need to live like a monk for fear of it happening.

You could tell him that she cheated on you and got pregnant but you still see her? Idk

bandeek 30

Lie even more. Great solution. When the paternity test comes back saying that op is the father no one will ever trust him again.

If you 2 are of age and don't want to keep the kid, where there is the option of abortion. Do your research like a man. If you're not of age, well man up too and talk to your dad. You need to take a quick decision.