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By best_friend - 25/07/2011 06:43 - United States

Today, I went to my friend's house because his family was having a move away party for him. Everything was going good until his dad decided to give a toast. Including an anecdote about how he walked in on us watching porn together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 579
You deserved it 9 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why exactly were you watching **** with your 'friend' ?

SmileEveryone 12

my ex boyfriend used to watch **** all the time with his friend... they're together now.


eminemchick 19

thats ok, everyone knows **** is yummy!:D

iLOLatURpain69 7

That's how **** buds get ****** up!

if you were both guys, wouldn't that be awkward watching **** together, and getting erections while next to each other?

NastyNinja31 0

friends that beat it together stick together

enonymous 8

how many father-son masturbation jokes can we get out of this? Father Strokes Best? Two and a Half Strokes? Growing pains? All in the family?

HowAreYouToday 34

I bet that the dad stuck around for a while...

NeonBlack 0

66 you're not Daniel Tosh stop trying to be

iLOLatURpain69 7

Haha one of my favorite D12 songs, That's How :)

enonymous 8

78 I'm not doing Daniel Tosh sorry if you feel that way. please send email to the feedback team at thank you for your comments concerns. Have a nice day

Dude, it's all about the jerk-off races!

2ndSucks 15

105, I've got 50 bucks on op's friend lasting longer. Counter my bet? (;

100$ I can last longer than both of them.

107, if your there I'm gauranteed to lose ;)

Why exactly were you watching **** with your 'friend' ?

today, I walked in on my son and his friend watching **** together. fml. but don't worry, I have a plan to teach them it's wrong.....

eminemchick 19

i find **** extremely uncomfortable with someone u jack off together too?

take it from me. im 15. when we were12-13, we would all watch **** together. I heard stories of some people jacking off. a little strange thinking back.

iLOLatURpain69 7

17- Agree And Iv heard stories about people watching **** together, no wank.

iLOLatURpain69 7

Damn 20 all those gingers... hot as he'll.

eminemchick 19

21- 1)r u a guy? 2)can i marry u?! :D

iLOLatURpain69 7
iLOLatURpain69 7

And I'd love to get to know you better ;)

eminemchick 19

omg:D my emails (plz dont moderate this moderator or else ur such a cockblock...)

k thx for the email, maybe we can watch **** together ! (not serious.. kidding)

eminemchick 19

40 it dont matter i got cockblocked:( WHY?!

shakeTHEworld 12

Is that weird? I used to watch **** with friends too. Of course, there's no jacking off. It's kinda like watching a show or a movie together...except it's ****.

When I was in university, a bunch of the girls in my all-female dorm rented **** videos and watched them together. They got all the weird stuff, equivalent to "2 girls 1 cup", and apparently had a good laugh.

that's what I did in the 7th grade with friends. Travis purposely tried to make it akward

bambiez 5

maybe they have a bromance goin on

It's not really a communal activity...

revanche 2

I watched it with friends be4 when I was 14 ......but Ima guy and they were hot bi girls

I watched it with a friend a couple of times but that was before I had the whole jacking off thing going.

Obviously you guys were close buddies...

NastyNinja31 0
hoodasswhitekid 0

automotive ****. look at that F-150 dominate that mini cooper

it*. Stupid touch screen. It's less accurate than the Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy movie.

Ouch. I'm gonna need some ice for that wicked burn.

OhSoBueno 0

gonna need some aloe vera to cool it off

kcircuses2 4

does any body smell smoke? cause you got burned

What's kvircuses2's expiration date? His jokes are pretty stale.

I bet op and his butt buddy were watching gay ****

jreed_17 0

hey fag it's not gay for 2 or even three guys to watch **** together

im sorry it may sound weird but i never got what OP means can someone enlighten me ? :$

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Google can be your best friend.

SmileEveryone 12

my ex boyfriend used to watch **** all the time with his friend... they're together now.

shakeTHEworld 12

I'm sorry but that's extremely funny!

SmileEveryone 12

fyl but you gota admit thats funny you deserve beter

SmileEveryone 12

I always thought he had the potential to be gay... lmao. it is quite funny :3

saIty 17

No he's just confused. Tell him you were watching a Lady Gaga music video.