By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 15:11 - United States

Today, I went to my girlfriend's Catholic all girls high school to ask her to prom by decorating her car. As soon as I walked on campus the school went into lock down because of a "suspicious male intruder." When I saw my girlfriend, she denied knowing me. I was arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 725
You deserved it 7 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ombrelle 0

how can you still call her your girlfriend? She clearly doesn't care about you I mean she got you arrested!

Carnivaldead 0

Might want to consider getting a new girlfriend.


makjon86 0

What a bitch. Guess who's not going to prom with you now? Yes, thats right. Her.

meeeep 0

Yeah, time for a new girlfriend there buddy.

I would be like " yes hes my boyfriend" and give him a chance to explain himself. But thats soo sweet of the way you asked her to go to prom with youu. sure id be embarassed but hes my boyfriend. (in theory btw)

She does sound like a bit of a bitch. But you do sound like a bit of an idiot. Why would decorating someone's car = prom invitation? Is this some obscure American custom?

Moomoomoo_fml 0

and i thought my school was insane...

itsgen 16

that stupid bitch!! what a stupid school too dump that hoe!

USNA_Midshipman 0

break up with the stupid bitch and go to prom with a better looking girl and 47, its the creativity that a guy puts into asking a girl to prom that makes him stand out from every other guy. im pretty sure you would ask a girl (or a guy) over instant messaging....

[insert witty comment about Catholic school and Judas here]