By whywouldyoudothat - 07/10/2014 01:14 - United States - Kingman

Today, while on vacation, my parents called to inform me that my best friend had died in a car accident. Why? To trick me into tearfully confessing my love for him. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 445
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Top comments

What in the actual **** -_-, fyl OP, it is never ok to fake a death.


SarahSehhati 40

Yes they are. Like why the f*** would they do that?

ChristianH39 30

That's cruel coming from anybody you trust, much less your parents. At least your friend's ok?

Incidentally, this actually happened to a friend of mine in high school. My best friend at the time convinced someone to call her and pretend he had died (also in a car accident). The difference here is that they didn't have any ulterior motives, they just wanted to make this poor girl cry. Also this is a sixteen year old kid committing the "prank" but I think it carries a little more weight when adults do it. I guess what i'm trying to say here is that these kids parents are acting like careless teenagers.

A girl I was friends with in high school pulled this on me once. She pretended to be her younger brother and proceeded to convince me that she had been killed in some kind of mugging to see if I'd admit to having any kind of feelings towards her

The answer when you find out? "Not anymore!"

After actually losing my best friend in a car accident I find that disgusting and repulsive. I hope your parents showed remorse for their actions as it's not a ******* joke.

What in the actual **** -_-, fyl OP, it is never ok to fake a death.

Unless, of course, you're running from the crazy ex. In that case, it's perfectly acceptable.

rekkas 16

Wow that's pretty extreme. I would have flipped on them

On one side, it's good that you admitted you have feelings for your friend. But that is most definitely NOT OKAY! A friends death is very traumatizing, especially someone who you love. Nobody should have to deal with shit like this from their own parents. I'm sorry for your parents lack of empathy or conscience.

That's cold! Op's parents should have just confronted her, not trick and manipulate! No parents would/should put their child in a situation where the child feels like her/his best friend died, I mine died (god forbid) I'd burst into tears! I would never forgive my parents! I wouldn't even look them in the eye!

that's pretty f'd up. at least its in the open now.

Now you go find some member of the law enforcement and get them to call your parents saying YOU were kidnapped. Or actually get kidnapped, up to you.

tony1891 22

just don't end up being kidnapped twice in one day

That is all kinds of f*cked up. Have someone call them to say YOU died, see if they still think it's a good idea

Thanks for editing your comment after I posted and stealing my joke.

countryb_cth 38

You both posted comments at the same time, you're one comment bellow his, he obviously didn't see your comment until after posting. And instead of keeping the so called "stolen" he changed it, no reason to get butt hurt

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Forcing someone to confess using a dirty trick is hardy the way to go about it. These parents should be ashamed of themselves for putting their child through emotional distress for a joke.

Astrum14 24

There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn't necessarily confess that you love someone. Such as if they're in a relationship or something. Life isn't like a movie where you're the protagonist and you always end up with the person you want to and you just have to tell them and they will dump their shitty S.O. and date you instead. If you don't have a chance with someone and you tell them you're in love with them, it risks completely wrecking a friendship for absolutely no reason.

REALAfroninga 11

Exactly. Sometimes, the friend zone is there for a reason.

That's just insanely crazy for them to go that far...