By Chensticles - 14/10/2009 01:25 - France

Today, I went to my hairdresser who promised me a haircut which "all the girls would want you" for. She gave me a combover. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 195
You deserved it 3 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you even HAVE a combover if you have a full head of hair? And if you don't, wtf were you expecting?

Interesting, at what point did you realise she was giving you a combover. Was it when she sat you down, picked up the last 3 strands of hair on the side of your head and layed them across the top then said that'll be $25 thanks???


Your hairdresser sounds like she has easy friends.

i think he means a combover as in when you have longish hair and the hairdresser parts it and combs it to the side away from the face, so he looks like a nerd now.

HyperExecuter 0

I think the quotation mark should be after "for"... it makes more sense...

Looolll that's sure to turn a few heads!!!

"from the combover comes the leg-over!"