By avalanche719 - 26/08/2010 15:09 - United States

Today, I went to pay my vehicle registration in person to avoid paying the $10.00 online service fee. After a long wait, I came out to find a $15.00 parking ticket on my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 754
You deserved it 24 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zy135 1

That sucks but come on you had to pay for the gas to get down there anyways so shoulda paid the extra ten rather then using up more gas to pay in person

OP, you're lucky your ticket was only $15. Quit whining and pay it; you wouldn't have received the ticket if you didn't deserve it.


NightSkyx 0

I'll take it and add it to my collection of tiks in my trunk

This would be worse if the ticket was for a lot more money. $25 can be lot to pay unnecessarily, but not nearly as bad as something like a $250 ticket for parking in a disabled parking zone without a permit or a $150 speeding ticket.

Schizomaniac 24

That's the numerical equivalent of "you suck" on a typical North American telephone. I'm so clever. Hahaha.

#38 Are you implying that I should call/text you?

Please, PLEASE stop hounding my every comment and insulting me in every way you can think of.

Schizomaniac 24

Hey hey hey, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. It's not EVERY comment. Just many. And you don't have enough comments for me to use every creative way I can think of to insult you. You're the one who chooses to reply! But fine, this is the last time we shall ever communicate. Good-bye. *Lowers head and walks away in shame.*

sourgirl101 28

^^^^This sounded super creepy if it's not some type of hidden joke.

Schizomaniac 24


Schizomaniac 24

a creeper*, sorry. iicaptain: YES

sourgirl101 28

An AK47 as your best friend? Business the American way.

Schizomaniac 24

iicaptain, specificity is your friend.

Prodigy7 4

And assumption may not be yours.

OP, you're lucky your ticket was only $15. Quit whining and pay it; you wouldn't have received the ticket if you didn't deserve it.

15 dollars could buy you 5 toy cars with no registration!

illegal parking in NY- $ are lucky guy...