By Anonymous - 04/05/2009 21:50 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Criminal - 13/07/2010 23:15 - United States
By journeytotheend - 14/07/2012 06:55 - Canada - Surrey
By Andre - 29/07/2010 10:56 - United States
Lovely Rita
By Anonymous - 21/02/2019 20:00
By occam's pube-razor - 05/09/2015 04:26 - United States - Buena Vista
By avalanche719 - 26/08/2010 15:09 - United States
By sdfsdf - 22/01/2010 16:28 - United States
By Wick - 26/05/2009 19:47 - United States
By Kevin - 12/04/2011 19:25
This is fine
By toosmall - 23/10/2016 21:27
Top comments
Wow...that sucks and YAY FINALLY FIRST!
If you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all!
I'd rather have no luck...
**** THE GOD DAMN PARKING NAZI'S SERIOUSLY!!! THOSE ASSHOLES HAVE NO SOULS!! on my campus, you get a $50 fine for parking in the wrong spot etc....I hope yours wasn't that much.
oh man. must have not been one of ur better days.
FYL if you payed the meter, and it ran out because the bitch at the desk was arguing with you, YDI if you didn't pay it. So I won't vote here.
Yet another example of how the U.S. government oppresses its own citizens. I feel sorry for you, FYL :(
Haha, didn't you learn your lesson the first time? :P It sucks for you, but you kind of deserve it! I'll bet you'll be a lot more careful about where you park in the future!
FYL if you payed the meter, and it ran out because the bitch at the desk was arguing with you, YDI if you didn't pay it. So I won't vote here.
Oh the irony. Sucks man