By Anonymous - 15/07/2009 15:57 - United States

Today, I went to see a movie. After getting my seat, I went out to get food. Coming back, I saw the security guard. Thinking he would ask me for my ticket, I moved all the food to one hand to get the ticket in my pocket. I spilled it all. He didn't ask to see it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 137
You deserved it 16 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fyourlife33 0

you couldn't wait until he asked like a normal person? and im surprised noone claimed first on these last ones that were posted... there is hope for fml


That's too bad.... But how was Half Blood Prince???!!!

invisibl3freddy 0

That wouldn't have happened if you had a Cup-a-Stuff. O_o By the way, Half Blood Prince? I went to the midnight premiere. Epic.

ithedarkknight 0

OMG i just came from the movies today too... i took my lil bros to see harry potter... spent over 20 something bucks for drinks pizza and freakin candy... i had my lil bros secure the seats while i got the food this bitch at the ticket stand for me to go back into the movie after seeing me just a few minutes ago askin me for my ticket with this big tray of food and shit in my hand im like wtf you just saw me in my head... so i just put all my shit right on her freakin desk while i look for my tickets.... and she gave me a snobby look... i wish she would of said something...

You're the clumsiest piece of shit I've ever seen'

eatmydust 0

don't alot of theaters have free refills? or is that just mine...

Did you see Harry Potter? They were checking our tickets too :D. I loved the movie so fn much!

YDI, why would they check it if you had THAT much food, at that point they made so much money off you from the food alone it wouldn't even matter if you were theater jumping. You definitely deserved it.

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

Dude, I will love you forever and ever if you went to see the Harry Potter movie!

omfg that sucks that happened to be but instead of spilling it on the floor I spilled it on my 3 year old second cousin. so it was kinda funny.