By Ariel_Mariaa - 04/11/2011 23:25 - Canada

Today, I went to see the latest Paranormal Activity movie with my mother. We were terrified and held hands at one point. The person sitting behind us thought it would be hilarious to abruptly scream into my mother's ear. She reacted by flailing and driving her arm straight into my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 535
You deserved it 4 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you never see scary movies with your mom!

That's when you should've jumped up out of fear and flung your drink all over them.


You ******* pussy that movie was so not scary it was funny in my theater half the people there were laughing not screaming pussy

SeedlessMe 13

Woah, ease up on the steroids, buddy. We're so Not impressed....

The person behind you who took it upon himself to scream into your mothers ear was way over the line. Ass bags like that deserve a severe beat down. Usually that's all they understand.

Paranormal Activity relies on cheap scares with sudden and loud noises. A real horror flick holds suspense and makes you feel vulnerable, like the characters in the movie. Anyone who's scare of Paranormal Activity, I will not call a human being.

Heh my friend went to go see it. She was texting me during the movie crying. Heheh wimp. But then again insidious scared the crap out of me. So i shouldnt be talking.. (the ending pissed me off tho)

jdawg2010 0

Being hit in the boobs..hurts like a mo fo.

truebrotrue 7