By Anonymous - 07/07/2014 01:27 - United States - Gournay-sur-marne

Today, I went to see the school counselor to schedule my classes for school. She asked me if I knew how to speak English. My parents are Chinese and I don't even know how to speak Chinese. I've lived in America my whole life. Plus, I even spoke to her in English to ask about classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 012
You deserved it 3 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Epickitty58 29

Somehow this is the greatest country in the world.

gameover18 17

.... I can't think of comment to tell the counselor. I just can't.

I can't help but give the counselor the benefit of doubt. Perhaps she meant to ask if you speak Chinese but the word English came out instead.

enu_vastanii__ 9

Stereotypes.. It can be annoying a lot of the times eh

I'm Chinese also, but I'm adopted. Everyone assumes that I speak Chinese and can read it. In reality whenever someone starts a conversation in Chinese I just look around awkwardly.

Haha, one of my best friends was adopted too. He was born in Korea but lived all his life in France, so he doesn't speak Korean. We went to Seoul together and I can speak a little bit of Korean. Everybody was shocked when the Korean looking guy couldn't speak Korean, but the white girl could.

And so ? Do you speak english or not ?

I'd say file a formal complaint. You don't need to put up with racist crap from a school official

RedPillSucks 31

Your obvious response should have been "Yes, do you?"

People can be stupid, and it sucks. I had a coworker once though, that didn't speak chinese, but he picked up the accent from his parents and it made him hard to understand at times.