By Anonymous - 07/07/2014 01:27 - United States - Gournay-sur-marne
Same thing different taste
By kdubz23 - 17/02/2014 22:41 - United States - Pittsburgh
By ChickenBallsPlease - 28/01/2014 11:16 - United Kingdom - King's Lynn
By Anonymous - 19/09/2016 17:29 - Hong Kong - Central District
Bad omen
By Anonymous - 14/09/2010 02:56 - United States
By Missy - 19/10/2011 22:29 - Australia
By anonymous - 21/08/2012 23:17 - Canada - Airdrie
By myl1f3isfuct - 11/07/2013 00:15 - United States
By :( - 02/03/2016 14:13 - United States - Saint Paul
Moving on
By Awesome - 17/08/2011 00:05
By Anonymous - 03/09/2021 02:01
Top comments
I hate the human race sometimes
not the human race, Just people from USA
i don't think it was racism - just ignorance or presumption. Like Ron in Harry Potter grew up having a view of house elves - he changes it when he learns more. Does it make him a racist because of how he was brought up? Maybe.
Speaking from experience, there are people all over the world who are this stupid
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayit says United States...
I changed it. The default location is France when you submit from the mobile site, hence the confusion.

Really, you guys are in France? Hon Hon baguette to you, madam. Yee-haw. Freedumb. I love me some oil.
Not sure addressing the staff using stupid cliché is the best thing to do.
It fits with the FML calm down you over sensitive types.
Racism doesn't fit anywhere.
Racism? Really? Making yourself look like an idiot to crack an obviously stereotypical joke makes you a racist? Damn people are sensitive.
joking about it doesn't make it less racist.
If this was knock on rednecks or hillbillies aka white jokes. Everyone would be ok with it.
Jokes about rednecks, hillbillies, or "white trash" have less to do with race and more to do with class though.
46 is right. Hillbillies are not their own race. They just act southern, sometimes have a southern accent, and act in a way that some would call less mannered than other Americans. Making a joke about hillbillies and rednecks is not being racist. Making a "joke" about Asians or another nationality is being racist.
Being French isn't a race. It's a culture and a language. Since France is multiracial it means the comment was using a stereotype and not a racist slur. People make blonde jokes all the time but I don't get bent out of shape about it. You put your big girl panties on and laugh if it's funny or don't if it's not. Everyone just needs to calm down with the racism card.
#62 You can have people who speak French who are not French. French is a nationality. So insulting French people would be xenophobic, not racist. Not saying that it is any better though. But well, I'm French and I didn't take offense in what #23 said. It is a stereotypical joke that people make. It doesn't mean that he/she is racist/xenophobic. You can have inter-country banter and keep it civil.
Thank you #64 for reiterating exactly what I said.
#68 Errrh, that was not exactly what you said. And the second part of my comment wasn't directed at you, but at the others on the thread, so no need to be sarcastic and snarky here? Everybody has the right to comment. PS: I love the fact that your wrote "Overly tired of mean, self-important, condescending people" in your profile.
Uh-oh, look what I started. Sorry about the other comment, staff
"White trash " has something to do with race u retard .. Just stop with the race thing its annoying
#87 Firstly there's no need for name calling. Secondly, "white trash" is an interesting term. This is because it does relate to race because it is used specifically against poor white people. However, that term doesn't attack people for being white, it attacks them for being poor. It's not used to dehumanise white people as a whole like how the n-word is used to dehumanise black people as a whole. It is used to specifically dehumanise poor people. That's why I said that it is more of a classist term than a racist one.
Everyone's always in a rush to point out how racist someone is and how racist they're not. If someone was being that bad I'm sure the FML staff would deal with it accordingly. People need to stop being keyboard crusaders and chill out.
Oh god not this discussion again
Hillbillies = Appalachians, and they are extremely discriminated against. People make fun of Appalachian dialects, such as "er" sounds (ideer, yer, etc.), in a condescending way, as if those who said it are stupid or ignorant. They are not. They just have a different regional voice.
2 FML admins on same thread. That's a first!
And because it's about Asians this time, it's obviously okay. The whole "if it were ______" excuse is just another excuse used by those who are too dumb or just uninterested in actually acting like a half way intelligent human being. Racism is racism, and minimizing it because it's not a big enough deal for you just puts the problems on you
pretty sure he was making jokes about the fml
The racism is strong in this one
Did she slowly pronounce her words like you didn't understand?
People can be so ignorant and disrespectful
Ignorant ppl... Seriously
You should have said "Me no understand"
Did you ask about "crasses" or "classes?" I deserve the down votes I couldn't help myself.
answer her " Ching chong ching chong" if the english words are not good for her?
Eloquently put, 34.
I didn't know Alexandra Wallace was on FML.
You should report her.

I hate the human race sometimes
The racism is strong in this one