By Anonymous - 15/09/2010 15:53 - France

Today, I went to the airport with my mom, who requested a wheelchair for me, since I have a broken leg. I'm 24. Embarrassed, I insisted I push myself around, instead of an airline assistant doing it. A few seconds later, I crash into the same airline assistant, who then falls back into my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 126
You deserved it 29 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Bring on the idiots who will say "Karma is a bitch" OP, it's good to be independent, but it's also OK to accept help. Try and accept help, whenever it's necessary. There are a lot of people in this world, not willing to help at all.


Ohnocurly 0

A wheel chair for a broken leg? Did your mom pack you a sandwich for your trip too? Poor dear...

FFML_314 11

In an airport. Do you know how packed airports usually are? I wouldn't want to be using crutches through an airport.

Ohnocurly 0

I wouldn't want to be using the wheel chair through the airport, that's for sure. I guess I'd prefer one of those golf carts that have the rows of seating. but regardless OP isn't a paraplegic.

oarisimo 4

21 is right. especially since a lot of airports are so big. of course there are shuttles you can use to get to certain terminals but usually there is still a lot of walking involved and a wheelchair is much more comfortable and convienant for an injured person in that kind of setting. especially if they had a long trip and were off an planes all day long...

oarisimo 4

Can you even get crutches past security these days?!

I absolutely agree! I've crutched my way through DIA and IAH after completely dislocating my hip several weeks prior. Being self sufficient and not having to rely on anyone else is my preference!

Why not let the people who know what they're doing do their jobs? Was it a big fat guy? It was wasn't it? And you liked it huh.

Wow. Idiot. when someone offers you help, you take it!

i agree. don't let your pride get in the way. I don't feel bad for you at all op.. you should have accepted help when needed.

Eh, easier said than done if you've been raised to be super-independent. And no, the fact that Mom requested help doesn't mean she didn't raise OP that way.

thrice643 7

It's not that big of a deal... haha

Hot_Guy_And_You 0

Ah, I had to be in a wheelchair for a month because I broke one ankle and high sprained the other. I can relate to OP about not wanting to be pushed in the chair. It's embarrassing. However, don't refuse help if you can't control the damn thing. YDI.

This could not even be a fml. Cause if that happened to me and it was a chick that fell in my lap, fine by me. I think your just being a bitch and need to enjoy life more. (unless it was a fat man than fyl).

RedPillSucks 31
RedPillSucks 31

so, any hole will do, huh? here's a donut