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By Anonymous - 20/01/2013 05:01 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me all about how his parents sat him down last night and had a 20 minute talk with him about how I'm the biggest mistake he'll ever make. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 072
You deserved it 3 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, look, just talk to him for about 20 minutes about how you're not that bad. Unless you are.


Bostern 29

Yeah, I bet if he worked at it he could make a bigger mistake. But seriously OP, FYL.

My parents did that about my boyfriend. Three years on, he's still around and even when my parents were absent whilst I almost died in hospital he sat beside me. Parents don't always know best, good luck to you.

Or prove them right. If a girlfriend is the worst mistake a person can make, they're gonna have a pretty amazing life!

Yeah, my parents did this to me when I started seeing my partner, because they insisted it was a rebound relationship and wouldn't last - I'd broken up with my ex about a week before we started seeing each other - in reality? My ex had sexually abused me three months before and I was too afraid to leave him - when I did? He stalked me and threatened me. We've been together eight years, so **** that noise. My parents (well, my mother) STILL insists he's 'worthless', because he doesn't have a typical 9-5 job (he's an actor, fight choreographer, voice actor, and script writer) - and therefore can't 'take care of me'. Three years into our relationship I got sick, four years in I got diagnosed with Lupus. I'm disabled right now, which means I can't work, but that doesn't mean I'll never work again or anything. He's been here in every way that counts - at my side in the hospital as often as he can possibly be, is the one who helps me bathe, drives me to appointments, reminds me to take my medications when I'm supposed to, makes sure I eat, looks after my dog (I can't give him the exercise he deserves, so he took over), lets me rest whenever I need to and if we're out somewhere? I have veto rights to leave and say we have to go home at any given moment, even in the middle of a movie at the theatre. He'll get me a wheelchair at shopping malls, and I can send him out for anything I might need and he will do it without complaint. When we found out I can't ever have kids, he took it completely in stride and said we'll be the 'cool aunt and uncle' to his sister's and my brother's kids, and that was more than enough for him. My parents? Despite the fact that I have a handicapped placard for the car, get disability cheques every month, use crutches to get around outside the house and am not supposed to lift heavy things or do anything to make my joints any worse, insist there's nothing wrong with me and try to convince me to do things that I know I'm incapable of (like walking from my home to the pharmacy - on my crutches, I can walk to the stop sign on our street and back - about a third of a km total. The pharmacy is three times that far.) Parents don't always know best.

shan88 14

46 I'm sorry you're going through that but what an amazing supportive partner you have. Good luck :)

I'll thumb you up to show u can thumb up on mobile devices 55.

That was a lovely, heartfelt story, 46, and I hope you both continue to love and nurture... but... it is NEVER lupus! Apologies in advance. XD

I'm a huge House fan (well, until it jumped the shark in the last couple of seasons), my friends insist I'm a werewolf. It's not easy, especially relearning how to live - I had a hundred mph, eight cups of coffee a day, stressed out to crazy lifestyle before, and that can put me in the hospital. I have a wonderful man, I wouldn't trade him for anything. And we started dating when I was only 18, so bully to that nonsense about teenage relationships not working out. Relationships, good ones, anyway, are about respect, honesty, friendship, and a love that grows instead of fades. I love him more now than I did when I was 'head over heels' a year into our relationship - it can work out. His twin sister married her college sweetheart and they're still going strong, too. Same thing with my best friend and her man. Parents really don't know everything, and it's a hard lesson to learn that they have flaws and failures, and your Dad isn't the strongest man in the world and your Mom isn't the wisest. I have a great relationship with my father, but my mother is a negative person and I don't need that kind of energy in my life. I just nod, smile, and ignore all the bullshit she throws at me, and get a laugh out of it with my therapist later. As the original commenter said, prove them wrong.

jettangeles 6

I really can't stop reading your comments. The love that you & your partner have? Is just incredible. I had that kind of relationship too. But 4 & a half years in, we fell apart. Good luck op!

Well, look, just talk to him for about 20 minutes about how you're not that bad. Unless you are.

Could very much go either way. My bro's dated some weird-ass women, and he'll never listen to us when we tell him how we feel. Then again, there are also some batshit crazy parents out there (like the one that said "put a **** in it" a little while ago). We just need more info.

alexNEX 7

Perhaps if he still needs to be sat down and talked to by mommy and daddy, you might want to rethink who the mistake might be

OP might be a teenager, still dependent on their parents. You should do everything you can to prove them wrong but do understand that some people listen to their parents opinions very firmly that that night ruin your relationship.

3, no matter how old you are, parents will always be your parents and will always try to give you advice. Or in this case, still try to convince you what to do.

ouch that would suck , but the only thing you can do is change it and prove them wrong or ignore it.

connerwonner 7

That isn't advice. You just told OP every option she has instead of telling her which one to choose.

1215116a 14

20, advice isn't telling someone what to do, it's assisting them in a choice.

GingerPanda94 6

Ouch! Sorry to hear that OP, best getting out of that relationship now before he potentially leads you on then hurts you. If he still, as #3 said, needs to have a chat with mummy and daddy dearest, and doesn't stop them in their tracks and tell them straight that he is with you, he is happy and that's the end of it, then he clearly isn't ready for a serious relationship.

Where in the FML does it state that OP's boyfriend didn't defend her? The FML is about the parents, not the boyfriend.

crammer1 6

That's the problem with these FML's. we don't get the whole story. But....the conversation did last 20 minutes. Wonder what the reasoning behind the parent's concern was.

That is a boy, not a man. And unless you're a teenager, or younger, you don't need to be dating a boy that needs to get his parents approval on who to date.

Everyone knows real men don't have parents. Just ask Batman. I like to think parents have a relative interest in their child's life until past 18.

Satoaoi 13

even after 18 alot of parents have interest in there kids lives

Shadow_Phantom 26

Came in here to also say "prove them wrong." Parents misinterpret and are wrong about their kid's choice in dating plenty of times. My first BF worked his ass off and was always nice to my parents, but because he actually defended me, they didn't like him for it. Anyway OP, don't sweat it. FYL, but ignore them and move on.

Well it's all about how he feels not his parents, he's in the relationship. Good luck OP

SharnaaaBanana 22

Wow, that's just so low. Maybe he's using his parents as an excuse to tell you how he really feels? If not he's a complete idiot for following his parents preferences and not his own. No, he's an idiot either way.

SharnaaaBanana 22

Ugh. Mis read the FML. Please ignore my comment guys