By Anonymous - 15/09/2010 15:53 - France

Today, I went to the airport with my mom, who requested a wheelchair for me, since I have a broken leg. I'm 24. Embarrassed, I insisted I push myself around, instead of an airline assistant doing it. A few seconds later, I crash into the same airline assistant, who then falls back into my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 126
You deserved it 29 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Bring on the idiots who will say "Karma is a bitch" OP, it's good to be independent, but it's also OK to accept help. Try and accept help, whenever it's necessary. There are a lot of people in this world, not willing to help at all.


yourlifesux17 0

i understand why you didn't want help. i just got my cast off on friday and i don't like getting helped even though i may need it because i find it embarassing and i dont want people to have to "pamper" me. so i'd say fyl, cuz you didnt do it to show off or anything. sorry bout ur leg

shortyshort21 0

did the airplane assistant fall back into your lap, like they were in it before? or like fall backwards?

I have two special friends who will never walk again - just be grateful you will. Wheel chair assistance is wonderful, you get to go on first, you get help with everything.. sheeeeeeessshhhhhhh feel sorry for the poor bastard who has to push you all over the airport!! People could see you had a broken leg- what's the problem then??

Back into your lap? What was she doing there in the first place O_o

what's so embarassing? now it seems more embarassing. =/ hope you get well soon.. :)

i guess that is a good way to sweep them off their feet