By KMack - 29/10/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, I went to the allergist. I found out that I am allergic to dogs, cats, wool, fleece, and pet dander. I'm currently planning to go to school to become a veterinarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 830
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Looks like it's time to rethink your career choice.


You do realize that fleece and wool are the same thing, right?

fleece is actually recycled plastic! hehehe

I know someone who just qualified as vet, knowing beforehand that she was allergic to cats, dogs and small animals.

ashleyym 0

thats okay. you can work around it. i've volunteered at an animal shelter and i'm allergic to almost every animal possible.

the_stereotype 0

can't you go into some form of research? you know, the behind the scenes people? that way you can help the animals like you want to without having to constantly be around them. or you could become a horse doctor or something. please don't bash my comment; i'm only trying to help.

janise 2

This is really only an FML if she's in college now or graduated from college and her major was related to being a vet so now she has to restart her entire college education. If she's in high school and just planned on being a vet then she can change w/o too much trouble.

ellabella00 0

You can treat some allergies with hypnosis. You could try that. There's a lot of support for it in neuropsychological studies like the one below:

pitbulllove 0

zertec works wonders. I'm alergic to all that stuff to and I'm a groomer.

EricJ 3

Get a second opinion. From an MD. If this first person wasn't an MD, then take it with a grain of salt.

Darling_Cherry 5