By KMack - 29/10/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, I went to the allergist. I found out that I am allergic to dogs, cats, wool, fleece, and pet dander. I'm currently planning to go to school to become a veterinarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 830
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Looks like it's time to rethink your career choice.


ummmm, allergy shots?? my sister has the same allergies but she goes to the allergist for desensitization treatments. I would assume that would be the purpose in going to the allergist.

Yeah, another vet school student here, and most vets are not equine practitioners. Also, we learn to work on all animals, so even if I were interested in bovine medicine, I would still end up doing dissections, clinical rotations, and other things with dogs and cats. OP, I also have fur and hay allergies. While my allergies may be less severe than yours, the main thing to worry about vet school is A) getting in and B) surviving.

ziqi92 0

damn! stopped in the name of love!

Oh man that sucks, what about allergy shots, you can still be a vet? (Hopefully!) I went to my allergist yesterday and it's been ten years since I was there. He found out that on top of still being deathly allergic to peanuts, I'm now allergic to cats and dogs, tree pollen and grass pollen, and I have asthma. I have to take an inhaler twice a day and get an allergy shot once-twice a week(though it gradually becomes once a month) for the next 3-5 years. Fun times?

WorkThatButt 2

You can take allergy shots man... I have BUTTLOADS of allergies like more than 10, I went to the doctor and he gave me lots of allergy shots, now I'm immune, don't change your dream cus of some shit like allergies :)

theonlyknownlink 0

That really sucks but you can always take some allergy medication or something. You could even go as far as getting allergy shots if you really want to be a vet. :)

DaNNo71886 0

I'm also a vet student... Worry about getting into vet school before you start worrying about your allergies... And then maybe worry about surviving.

hummmm.... I've known I'm allergic to a lot of animals and plants ever since I was 10... I took injections for it for 5 years... I'm currenctly studying to become a vet ^^

dis is a waste. i'm highly allergic to ALL animals with fur and feathers. i'm a vet tech and going to school to become a vet. i've been working in a vet office for 3yrs now i also have 4 cats, 5 parakeets, n 4 finches in my house, all of which i'm allergic to. i also have asthma that can be triggered by my allergies and i have had to go to the ER due to asthma attacks caused by my allergies. some days im fine and some days i can barely breathe, have puffy eyes, and nonstop sneezing. i've been injured a couple times from scratches to bites to a concussion and as crazy as i may be i still do it because it's what i love and want to do. i take meds for my asthma and allergies as well as frequent allergy shots. so suck it up.