By KMack - 29/10/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, I went to the allergist. I found out that I am allergic to dogs, cats, wool, fleece, and pet dander. I'm currently planning to go to school to become a veterinarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 830
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Looks like it's time to rethink your career choice.


planning>nothing is set = doesnt matter = no need

haneki_fml 0

#29 said it first.. marine biology! You can tame a walrus, they're so sweet in captivity...=]

Carosello 0

whyyy do i feel like i've read this one before?

Because I'm sure this person isn't the only one in the world thats allergic to dogs and such and wants to be a vet.

Kristoffer 35

I've often joked that I'm allergic to work, when I sneeze at work. I guess it'll be no joke for you if you choose not to change your career plans.

huevo92 0

don't worry about tht, well i mena if the allergic is no so bad, im allergic to cats and dogs and i will be a vet anyways (:

Ellowise_fml 0

I am in vet school. There are MANY classmates of mine that are allergic to nearly everything. Some get allergy shots monthly or so, some take oral meds. If you are determined to be a vet, you can manage your allergies! Seriously, don't get discouraged--it's not the end of the world, and it certainly is not the end of your future career.

haha i'm really tired and when i first read this i thought it said vegetarian. i was worried about you eating cats and dogs. haha my grandma is allergic to cats and i always say just take benadryl, but i guess that doesn't always work. ahha. sorry though, that really sucks.

I really would't worry about it. Im exactly the same, had pets all my life and been fine then last year developed allergies to anything with fur and dust etc. Im also training to become a vet and it doesn't stop me one bit. As long as I take an antihistamine each morning I don't even notice my allergies so just go for it. Don't let one set back stop you achieving your ambition, Im certainly not going to, being a vet is all I've ever wanted to do so if I have to take a tablet every day to get there then so be it =)

wait, i didn't explain that well. i thought you meant you were becoming a vegetarian because you were allergic to cats and dogs. hahaha i really misread that. hahaha