By blinkanimgone - 01/09/2010 11:08 - Australia

Today, I went to the blood bank to donate plasma. All went well until the machine went to return my red blood cells. It turns out the nurse sliced my vein and the blood built up in my tissues. I now have a massive swollen arm and bruising, and look like a junkie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 436
You deserved it 2 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Don't ever mess with the nurse. They do that on purpose... >.>

ArtIsResistance7 1

Whats a 'ure' ? Seriously, is it the beginning of the urethra?


never heard of anyone besides junkies selling plasma

You don't sell blood or plasma in Australia, you donate it. You can't get money for it anywhere in the country.

aoraki 0

nice, at least you look good know

lyjech 0

That happened to me I just didn't do plasma. I was almost done giving the blood when the needle started coming out as i was rotating the squishy thing in my hand so she ran over and pushed it in. My arm started bleeding. And it bleed under the skin for two months I had to switch back to lefty because I was trying out righty just before the 'inciden'. lol

crazyluvbug 8

I totally know how you feel. this stupid ass nurse I had trying to get plasma from me and I was about 10 mins away from filling up the bag and for some reason blood started going in it. so she stopped it and said we have to finish filling this up so I had tort her get it from the other arm. when I was done both my arms were a purplish black color and hurt for almost a week.

maseybear_RAWR 0

whats wrong with looking like a junkie? haahaa

blakkat77 0

hey im a junkie so dont ever say that it takes years and devotion to look like that so f off

viviblink 4

Yea thats why Idont donate not scared of needles at all

Not a good thing to read when you're afraid to donate blood.