By bridalqueen - 24/03/2009 12:43 - United States

Today, as a veteran blood donor, I made a friend who was donating for the first time- I told her not to be scared and that I've been doing it for six years and that it was a great way to help people. While at the snack area afterwards, I passed out, started convulsing and went into shock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 196
You deserved it 7 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, I went to donate blood for the first time. I figured I'd be fine because I was going with my friend who donates all the time. After he donated, he went into shock and started convulsing. I am never donating blood ever again. FML"

tehe poor thing! i brought a friend of mine last time i went and she gripped the nurses hand so hard he fingers went blue :P


tehe poor thing! i brought a friend of mine last time i went and she gripped the nurses hand so hard he fingers went blue :P

It's funny people actualy think they are donating it straight to people. Most of it goes to companies to make medicine.

liveitlearnit 0

Holy crap, how'd that happen?

he must have had a poor spleen that could not create more red blood cells to cope for the losses and passed out while the brain was deprived of oxygen so the electricity flow to the nerves was increased and caused a seizure.

"Today, I went to donate blood for the first time. I figured I'd be fine because I was going with my friend who donates all the time. After he donated, he went into shock and started convulsing. I am never donating blood ever again. FML"

Hmm...look up "fail" in the dictionary and you would be the definition, because A) OP's a girl and B) You simply fail at writing FMLs. Try paying attention next time.

55, u suck. UR just basically saying these stories don't perfectly match up. the gender thing makes no difference, and one of them could have been lying about their gender to protect themselves better, dumbass

55 and 56, the stories don't HAVE to perfectly match up, the second was just written to be funny. which it was

splinteredApple 36

This is really confusing, it seems that you aren't aware that OP is the one donating.

i hope this doesn't make you not want to donate blood ever again!

If I was ever planning on getting over my fear of needles and giving blood, this made me completely change my mind. Man, how did that happen? You're okay now, right? Right??

I remember moderating this and finding it absolutely funny because the exact same thing happened to a friend of mine. I assume you're fine now.

Did you lose control of your bowels too? That would just make it that much worse...