By toothache - 14/05/2013 12:03 - United States - Morton Grove

Today, I went to the dentist to get a tooth filled. The nurse just finished taking my info when the doctor came in and started drilling. Through my chorus of screams he realized he'd forgotten to numb me. His only response was, "Guess I forgot to numb ya, huh?" while giggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 387
You deserved it 4 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You should have kicked him in the crotch to see if he had numb nuts, or just was one.

Some people just shouldn't be in a medical field. Loons.


That has happened to me twice, and it took multiple minutes for him to finally listen. I'm sorry OP, that shit hurts like a bitch.

RedPillSucks 31

Did the dentist keep asking you "Is it safe?"

Wealthyparrot 9

Well... at least he didn't drill the wrong tooth. I had a dentist rip out the wrong tooth... I have no cavities and my mouth still looks worse than anyone I know because I've never had a full set of teeth.

BDA_fml 5

Next time you need to grab him by the nuts before he starts drilling and ask him "we're not going to hurt each other are we"?

I feel like dentists are the dumbest of all doctors

shork2005 6

That sounds like something my stepdad would do: laugh at me if he screwed up while working on my teeth. He did numb me once and the injection caused my cheek to swell to the size of a golf ball. And yes, he is a dentist, and worse, I have no choice but to go to him about my teeth or else I'd have to pay for dental visits

I used to swell too when i got injected at the dentist. i later found out that im allergic to the sulfa based numbing agents. something to look into :)

It's unethical for a dentist to treat his own (step)daughter...

toomanyidiots 14

@130: There are fewer ethical implications in a dentist treating a family member than a doctor/physician such as a surgeon treating a family member. While I don't know the statistics for dentists, I know that at least 80% of all doctors have somehow been involved in a family member's treatment (prescriptions, diagnosis, primary care, and/or performing surgery on a relative -- the last done by 9% of doctors). There are manuals on ethics that advise doctors against treating a family member, primarily as the doctor then has authority over the family member and because the doctor may lose their sense of objectivity and may not be able to distance him/herself emotionally. Then there are, of course, relatives who don't take a doctor seriously. I have not found similar manuals on ethics suggesting dentists do not treat relatives (besides the obvious, such as not prescribing medications for conditions not relevant to dental treatment). Dentistry does not often involve surgery (extraction, implantology) or another procedure that would cause the dentist to remain unbiased and emotionally lose it. The risk of dying from dental treatment, as opposed to any invasive surgery (appendix removal, heart bypass, C-section), is negligible. Most deaths related to dental treatment don't occur as a result of the procedure, but as a result of carelessness or error on the part of the anesthesiologist -- dental procedures are not life-threatening, unless general anesthesia is used.

shork2005 6

He hit the nerve wrong. The next time I got numb, I didn't have a reaction

An I had only just gotten over my fear of dentists a month ago. It has now come back. Anyway, I hope you okay, and that that dentist did not finish working on your tooth and you went to another.

It sounds a lot like the dentist from Little Shop of Horrors

This is one of those situations where it is entirely acceptable to kick a doctor in the stomach.

I haven't had my mouth numbed for a filling since I was a kid. The injection hurts more, anyone that has had braces knows that braces hurt more than fillings.

SilverInGray 25

I think that fillings hurt much more than braces. My braces made my teeth ache for a day after I got them and after tightening a, but fillings were sharp pain.

FlowerMama 20

I've had both. Fillings definitely hurt me worse than braces.