By beep_guacamole - 24/05/2009 21:49 - United States

Today, I went to the laundromat. I put a load in the dryer and walked away to check on my other load. When I came back, I saw a homeless man putting his dirty, wet underwear in the dryer with my clean clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 338
You deserved it 4 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh. Take them out and donate a dollar to getting him his own dryer.


After reading the OPs comment post about how she handled the situation I'm starting to regain my faith that not all people are assholes. But clearly the others posting on here are a bunch of greedy self righteous bastards. Kudos to the OP for being a nice person! I'm sure that man appreciated it!! You did a good thing!

poobear 0

you deserve it for being too cheap to buy a washing machine who the hell goes to the laundromat

People who live in apartment buildings and can't have washer/dryers in their apartments? Use your brain, ******* toolbag.

#93/#94: thanks.. :) and everybody else..... my washer and dryer were broken and the new ones hadn't come yet.

I hope you beat the crap out of the dumb bastard.

Where the heck is the laundry-mat attendant? I never use a laundry-mat that has no attendant present. No one should ever have to deal with this stuff.

jza414 0

At least you didn't put your load in his underwear.

Take them out, wrap them around his head and toss his hobo arse out the door.

That's why they have seats there along with vending machines.

If anything, this comment page has shown me that FML is full of Marxist trash. "You should feel sympathy for the useless piece of crap because he refused to make good decisions with his life and contributes absolutely nothing to society! Maybe you should give him free food and a place to stay too, because he clearly deserves it!"