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By esv - 01/04/2009 09:18 - United States

Today, I went to the laundromat for the first time. I fit all of my clothes into two washers. Not knowing where to put the soap in, I asked a man doing his laundry, "Excuse me, where do I put the soap in?". He replied, "Ma'am, those are the dryers." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 598
You deserved it 80 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sofarsogood 0

god i hope you aren't older than like 12

WTF don't assume that's an industry standard, our washer is front loading


sofarsogood 0

god i hope you aren't older than like 12

ryguy997 0

washer= top loading dryer=smaller, usualy front loading.

WTF don't assume that's an industry standard, our washer is front loading

111, my washer loads in the front. i know its usually through the top, but there are also a lot of washers that load in the front.

You're a smart one. Not really a FML though..

Not an FML, a ripped off joke... I heard this waaaaaaaaaay back when.

theoldGP 0

it's not really that she's dumb shes just ignorant lol. =P this is still funny. #3.. shut up =/

Not very's a mistake that anyone could (and does) make. I did this a couple of weeks ago, though with my mom at home. Might be a little embarassing, though.

lol april fools? how is that an april fools... but hey you get an F for effort. lol and to #6 , your parents were more embaressed than you.

This from the person who can't even spell embarrassed...