By beep_guacamole - 24/05/2009 21:49 - United States

Today, I went to the laundromat. I put a load in the dryer and walked away to check on my other load. When I came back, I saw a homeless man putting his dirty, wet underwear in the dryer with my clean clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 338
You deserved it 4 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh. Take them out and donate a dollar to getting him his own dryer.


rachelbrianna25 0

LOL!! THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE HEARD THIS MORNING!!! THAT'S AWESOME!!! the homeless wants dry undies too. LOL!!!

Wow, how do you know they were dirty? Why would he be putting them in the dryer if they hadn't been through the washer first? DUH. And how do you even know he was homeless? You must have some sort of superpower to be able to look at a complete stranger and tell, thanks to their appearance, whether they own a house or not. And even if he was homeless, why is that gross? As I said earlier, the underwear were probably clean if he was putting them in the dryer. I am sick of people assuming that homeless people are gross and dirty! So what if they are not so clean? It's not their fault they don't have houses! Would you like it if you suddenly became homeless for some reason, and you wanted to go to the laundromat, and people gave you funny looks the whole time? God, not having a house doesn't take away the fact that they are still a human being!! Sorry for my little tangent. I am very much a Christian and human rights activist. =)

calicokitea 0

Instead of bitching about it, maybe you could offer to help clean his clothes. He's not the problem, you are--you like many other people in this world don't care to help others, only yourself. I won't say that homeless people don't have a choice, because they do. But realize we're human, we make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes cost us quite a lot. It's harder to climb out of the hole than get into it. Sometimes it just takes encouragement and help to get out, and you certainly aren't helping him any by criticizing him.

did i ever criticize him? don't start judging other people. i did help clean his clothes so shut the **** up and don't say i'm the problem.

This sent me into a bought of hysterical laughter. Sorry about your clothes but at least you did something nice for the homeless guy. Hope you re-washed them!

tobyraza 0

How would you KNOW he's homeless? Heh heh.

maybe you looked like a homeless too so he thought it would be okay to wash the clothes together lol FYL

kookey13 2

be nice to homeless people. kthanks(;