By dvddtraveller - 22/04/2016 21:25 - United States - Oakland

Today, I went to the local clinic and I met a really cute guy. We hit it off quite well, and he asked me out. It's like The Fault in Our Stars, but instead of cancer, we have STDs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 821
You deserved it 7 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingdomgirl94 29
OnlySkyrimStays 11


Why not herpes? Tis the gift that keeps on giving!

How fateful. If you two work out that's one hell of a story you've got there.

Penicillin, it's what you give someone that already has everything.

At least the two of you don't have to wonder if the other is sexually active.

bassist3415 8
mariri9206 32

STD = Stop, Think, Don't? In this case, it should until everything is cleared up.