By dvddtraveller - 22/04/2016 21:25 - United States - Oakland

Today, I went to the local clinic and I met a really cute guy. We hit it off quite well, and he asked me out. It's like The Fault in Our Stars, but instead of cancer, we have STDs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 821
You deserved it 7 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingdomgirl94 29
OnlySkyrimStays 11


lifegavemelemonz 4

That's the perfect scenario, if you both have the same STD. What luck OP.

I actually think it's responsible that you've been tested and are being treated. Make sure you're super knowledgable about it if either one of you has a long term one. I'm hoping for a follow up!

JohnnyWake0 13

Idc if this comment gets blocked that's gross

FYL (and YDI for having an STD if you didn't use protection), but I don't see how this part of the story is an FML, as long as you have the same STD there shouldn't be any issue and you found a relationship with a similar person. Have fun!

So? You can both have a great relationship--condoms are cheap and easy to find, and that's really all you need. Disability exists; all you have to do is find a workaround.