By Anonymous - 18/06/2011 15:43 - United States

Today, I went to the movies with my friend and two pretty girls. During the movie, he made out with both of them, while I sat there awkwardly and watched the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 227
You deserved it 5 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

That sounds like the plot of all the twilight books put together.

kellanlvr 1

well good thing you didn't kiss them because they sound like *****..


Osito2011 9

more like early worm gets in the hole

thunderbass13 0

I keep telling you.. stop posting stories of my exploits!

Flutist 3

Oh, you thought he brought a girl for you... nope. Some kids don't share their toys. My thought on this is simple, if you were so uncomfortable why didn't you leave? Yes, he might have been your ride but you could have faked being sick. If you don't like the way he behaves then you need to talk to him. If he has done this before and its a big enough problem then you need to either find a girlfriend for yourself or get the balls to tell him its not cool. Also, it seems to me that you are just complaining because you think your friend is smoother than you. Your friend is not required to change his habits for you, though you should voice them, and the pretty girls were not required to pay attention to you. You do not know them. I feel like you are judging them as being loose because they don't live the lifestyle you thought they should. I think your friend sounds pretty happy and you are just super lonely.

a_nutritionist 10

i agree, however that behaviour is inappropriate for that setting. if you want to catch up with your friends and watch a movie you dont then bring two girls to make out with the entire time. thats bullshit. the guy sounds like a tool for acting that way - not kissing the girls, but for completely isolating his friend in what is supposed to be a social situation. theres a time and place, that wasnt it.

Yes, he sounds super lonely because his friend is making him super lonely...

Why would you want to make out with skanks like that anyway?

a_nutritionist 10

because not everyone is a prude. some of us are accepting of sexual behaviour that we ourselves dont necessarily partake in. do you ask homosexuals why theyd wanna sleep with someone of the same sex?

a_nutritionist 10
alex6946 10

dont hate the player, hate the game! ;) its not his fault he's a badass! ;D

vietguy808 0

ur friend sucks, and those girls are bitches, ******* rude

smartalek 2

next time, bring your own girl, man.

ThisIsSpicy 2

Yes, brings new meaning to BYOB

I feel no pain for you, I've done the same thing.