By JordanVilleneuve - 28/01/2011 03:35 - Canada

Today, I went to the park and sat down on a bench to enjoy my coffee. I heard a few young girls behind me talking about how their first experience of sex was. I turned around to see how old these girls really were. One of them was my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 327
You deserved it 7 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallen0046 4

You're obviously not very observant. What kind of parent sits in front of their child and doesn't notice them, and then doesn't recognize their voice when sitting close enough to hear the entire conversation? If your daughter is young enough for this to be truly a 'life-******* situation' to you, you should be keeping better tabs on what she's doing in the first place.


ky765 0

OMG ontario canada= DEGRASSI

jweezykeepsitste 0

talk about wrong place at the wrong time

well that must have benn an akward conversation

ydi for not teaching your daughter not to be a ho.

145 Canadians ehh. I'm assuming that's coming from an American.. hm enough said

145 Canadians ehh. I'm assuming that's coming from an American.. hm enough said

145 Canadians ehh. I'm assuming that's coming from an American.. hm enough said