By Higgs - 02/06/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I went to the pool. When I hit the water the top of my swimsuit came off so I tried to put it on underwater. The lifeguard thought I was drowning and pulled me out in front of everyone. Topless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 149
You deserved it 6 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i suppose boobs dont make good personal floating devices

ahahahahahaha. stupid lifeguard. but maybe he was hot.....


well at least u had a good life guard who did what he's paid to do

i_love_cheer 0

okay, it's not that hard to tie a swimsuit top without looking like your drowning. seriously.

LoveLessBeauty13 0

Lmao that used to happen to me ALL THE TIME! I learned from past mistakes and got a cute top that is nearly impossible to come lose when I go swimming. You may want to buy a new top after that experience.

xo_emily_xo 0

lmao. i hope the lifeguard was a hottie =)