By I don't know, son - 16/11/2013 01:53 - Canada - Toronto
Same thing different taste
By life insurance for 1 - 30/05/2013 16:29 - United States - Encino
By Anonymous - 01/05/2015 20:41 - United Kingdom - Oundle
By Anonymous - 22/05/2009 00:20 - United States
Nice of her
By Bill - 06/12/2009 20:28 - United States
By Wanaaa - 25/11/2016 07:08 - France - Toulouse
By Alex - 26/03/2009 04:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/11/2014 19:47 - Australia - Werribee
By Anonymous - 17/09/2014 21:57 - United States - Dewitt
By gotmilk? - 22/09/2015 13:41 - United States - Pompano Beach
Make it stop
By dee - 03/07/2011 05:36 - United States
Top comments
this comment really needs to to stop appearing every time there's an FML about a child who says something funny. It's like the "shitty situation" comment.
but yet 34, the vote count doesnt support your theory.. ya thats right
well that backfired #38
38, lol it will soon enough ;)
Kids say the darndest things.
66 don't tell me what to do.
OP's username is the answer.
Face it, 71. You're not all that special. The phrase isn't going anywhere anytime soon since it's been around longer than you have, so just downvote it and move on with your life.
71, honestly? You have outstanding arrogance
frank is right. seems like OP needs to step his game up as dad.
I can imagine your face, I'm sorry OP, maybe he heard the it somewhere and said it, that age is amazing, they repeat everything they hear! Luv those lil ones lol
It's probably because op doesn't serve Ice cream for dinner, have a tv on his head, or fight crime.
Innocent and frank? Have you ever met those little bastards or did you just skip childhood out of spite towards empirical evidence?
I'm pretty sure he said he was lying down with his son trying to help him get to sleep... Sounds like he's a pretty good dad. No need to step things up
Ah kids....
that's when you divert the conversation and say "why dont you ask mommy.."
How is that diverting the conversation?
exactly !
maybe he heard your wife say it? or other kids on the playground.. or you on the phone with a boyfriend...
I'd be disturbed if daddy was on the phone with 'a boyfriend'
I think she meant boy friend. as in guy friend.
@24 even if I meant it in a homosexual way why should that bother you? a 5 year old might not get that @29 thank you for seeing what I meant but people in the fml community will probably down vote you for it
54. We all saw that coming
married men can have boyfriends.....and some wives wouldn't care.....just like some husband's don't care that the wives have girlfriends....
I would be worried about what your babysitter does when you're away.
Tell him that you don't suck, but you blow.
"You mean, blow out others' birthday candles? Blow leaves into peoples' yards?"
He's going to grow up to be a great man
That sucks so much.
just like these comments. including this one

Kids say the darnedest things.
This is exactly why I started a diary when my daughter was born. I write down the funny things she and her brother say, and I fully intend to use them to my full advantage at their respective weddings.