By Anonymous - 20/10/2015 14:40 - United Kingdom - Oxford

Today, I went to the print shop to get some work printed. The guy serving me printed my entire order wrong because he pushed the wrong button, so it had to be done again. He tried to charge me a fine for the mistake he made because "it's not a viable business otherwise". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 254
You deserved it 1 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mermaidkeels 26

It would be "viable business" if he would have done it right the first time.

I take it from the wording that you stood your ground against the concept of him making you pay for his mistakes... Good on you OP!


I hope you didn't actually pay for it twice

I always see people like that at work, we have a 50 cent charge for credit cards transactions under $10 and they complain about it...but they are wearing designer clothes..

for viable business he should accept his mistake and give a discount for the delay.

Tracyt029 5
takeittoem 8

What a joke - I'm sure paying people to NOT do their job isn't viable for you either...

had I been you he would of leaned some news words and a visit to the hospital that day

He was probably made wrong and his parents were charged a fee for it.

There is so much wrong with THIS comment.

What you say then: "You know what is viable business? My fist in your face," upon which a passing stranger will immediately break into a guitar solo as you lay down the hot fist of justice.