By Tibblesthepengwin - 14/02/2010 17:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to the store to buy a new lego set, only to find there weren't any left in stock. I started crying before I could make it out of the store. Oh, and I'm eighteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 547
You deserved it 46 463

Same thing different taste


I do the same when all the legos are gone.

I don't understand why people post FMLs like this. First of all, your life isn't "******", second of all, it shows you're emotionally unstable or immature enough to behave and feel this way, and lastly, that you're enough of an attention ***** to post your embarrassing behavior (that you have complete control over) on a public forum. And of course, you KNOW everyone is going to tick YDI. I guess I just don't understand the point.

welll it sucks you cried. i loveee me some leggggggos but id never cry-- unless i needed em for a school projectt.. and Flounder can get ****** cause hes bashin on you, and because he said "you KNOW everyone is going to TICK YDI"... its fugggin click bitchh - id tell you to get fuckked but you prolly cant and are most likely to die a virgin..

willsbitch 0

that's so lame u dnt cry over shit like that when your 18.....jezzz grow up lolzzzzzzzzz

People who talk type like that are not allowed to comment on other peoples maturity. Seriously, look back at what you put and tell me you don't look like a ******* retard.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D and my caps off on my iPod, so don't hate.

drew123456 0

I did that last week, only with an adventure dora the explora playset!

... you're the only one dissing yourself

its okay i got sad when my collection of 100 legos fell but then again i was 12