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By Fv-day - 14/02/2010 16:32 - United States

Today, I received a notice that my boyfriend had given me a rose via Happy Aquarium on Facebook. It came with a date cancellation so that he and his friends could play BioShock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 644
You deserved it 4 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ImRawrtastic 0

ur bf sounds lyk a fag no offence

bioshock 2 !! like they said u can't blame him , it's THE GAME :p

pongmaster 0

yeah I agree if OP ever played bio schok she would eat yarn and shit sweaters

Talking about blame...I remember playing that game as a kid and also how my younger brother started saying "fuckno head" (a word derived of "****" and some gibberish a 5-year-old can put together) and everytime he'd lose he'd yell out "Fuckno head!" and of course when asked who taught it to him, he blamed it on me. I'm not gonna say what happened next but dear OP, I feel for you. I effin hate that game. -_-

@op for the fml and op of this post Its Bioshock now Bio-Shock and second Bioshock 2 IS THE ****** SHIT!

Aggriken 0

Today, I found out that my boyfriend's life does not revolve around me. He would rather play a game that he thinks is fun, than put up with me bitching at him about it. WTF. FML

meh I liked the first one, haven't played the second yet...

Even though Bioshock is awesome, I would never ditch a girl I care abouy for it.

bennjerry44 0

I would so much rather go onna date than play video games

lol yeah! Was it the new one? If so I woulda been like Can I come too? I

they were playing BIOSHOCK 2 probably and its spelled all caps op

u obviously have no one who cares about u though

OmgGuessWhatChic 0

Bros and bioshock before hoes

YeahFMLxX 0

obviously they were playing BioShock 2. Silly moose, oh and for everyone out there.. you die in all four alternative endings with Elanore taking whatever you decide to be, good or bad, depending on whether you save or harvest the little sisters, as her ego in BioShock 3. YEAH! EDIT; (in one ending she throws you back down to rapture: sorry.) Thus this could be a continuation of the problem that your bf wants to hit that ending (: yay!

it's not just bioshock, it's Bioshock 2! get your facts straight OP

Guuurlplease 0

I want to get bioshock! Go play bioshock with him :)

jess08265 0

I'm a girl and I love bioshock! tonight after eating dinner with my boyfriend we went up to his room and I played bioshock 2 for about 2 or 3 hours. it's addicting! assasins creed and left for dead are good too if you ask me! :) 

thoughtcrimeno1 0

Op: get a life, would you kindly?

nrdsgtbck0121 0

The OP wasn't talking about Super Mario Bros. BIOSHOCK isn't old enough for you to "remember playing that as a kid". FAIL.

KishiSenmatsu 0

lol, well at least the game doesn't suck...

the_sodomizer 0

bioshock is not just cool. it is the shit. Bioshok!!!!!!1!!!!1!1!!!

i agree bioshock is the best. mah fried got me addicted. though it sucks that the date was canclled. but come on its BIOSHOCK!!!!!!!

if you were cool youd play it with him. i bought bioshock and its badass, plus its awesome to play with my boyfriend.

@135 haha me and my boyfriend play l4d too! were in a long distance relationship so we like to game together as a sort of date night, but since i have a 360 and he has a ps3 we have to play the pc version :/

acesarge 0

Eh, the PC version of L4D 2 is better anyway.

RyanZhang22 1

yeah, why you hatin?!? I hate haterz, so I hate you. bitch

Yet another girl agrees, Bioshock is incredible. You should play it with them.

bigboy777 0

nvr put video games infront of loved ones I'm a videogameaddict and I dont do that btw bio shock isn't what all it cracked up to be it is actually pretty stupid!

bigboy777 0

#78 nos what it is!!!!!!!!!! u just don't do tht

Ever heard the saying "Bros before hos?"

Actually, BioShock 2 is less than a year old. and BioShock came out in 2005.. I think.

I love Bioshock I cant wait for Bioshock infinite

#1 this was posted on valentines day though. Cancelling on her to play a game which can be played whenever was pretty mean.

Bros before hoes. Sorry but that's the rule.

lol while we're rhyming "be a skter not a jock, grab ur board not ur ****!"

The__Redneck 7

Hmm. Does the sort of person that says things like 'bros before hoes' or 'pussy takes precedence' actually get any, or have any 'bros'?

Probably tards like to hang out together, and plenty of girls have a total lack of self respect.

Okay go ahead and keep following that 'rule' but don't come crying to us when you can't get any toolbag

#147: no, a douche like #2 who follows that 'bros before hoes' rule doesn't get any

kaileebug 0

I think it's BioShock 2. But still.. great game!

The best kind. It says "I love you... but I would rather tell you that from a distance and while spending a little money and effort as is humanly possible". damnit... am I confusing best with worst again?

supercu96 0

look at the bright ide, you dont have to tend to it :)

MermaidSongXOXO 6

The solution: No sex for a year :]

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Then maybe she should break up with him if he'd cheat on her just 'cuz she wouldn't put out.

BigLostBear 0

you are both so cruel, don't you understand that he's playing bioshock?

There another sollution though, he can f*** her while playing BioShock at the same time. Possible

sarcdude 3

or perhaps he should break up with her for not putting out simply out of being a vengeful person.

Thatk1ddd 0

Maybe you're just not that good looking.

purplemnm 9

just remember...bros before hoes...sisters before misters ;D

agree if that's really you 13 damn you're hot

YeahFMLxX 0

ugh: seconds #25..unlless your like 13 D:

devendra_fml 0

#11 fails for not knowing what BioShock is

sks4613 1

WTF? bioshock 1 was the sh@t bioshock is just as good. I was up playing it last night till 4 in the morning didn't hear my wife b@tching about it. I can tell you how it ends if you wanna **** it up for him?

You should be happy. You're boyfriend obviously has good taste in video games. hurhurhur

@ british hobo. I bet you are gay because almost every normal guy plays video games. Not for days or anything. But sometimes you just need something a little bit different once and awhile. Maby you should try being a man for once in life.

I don't understand why someone in Britain would be searching for a woman in Michigan, United States.

Listen to this man (drumsetmaniac77). He knows what he's talking about.

Clearly, this man has never played BioShock. Also: your point (that men who choose games over girls are creeps) is a bit undercut by the fact that you're trying to pick someone up on a website like this.

Three points. Or two, I'm not sure yet. 1. I'm gay because I'd rather be with a girl than playing a game? That's some genius ******* logic there, Holmes. 2. I'm not trying to pick up any girl who happens to live in Michigan. I'm looking for a specific person. I know posting for help on here's going to get me nowhere, but I felt like posting it anyway, just because. Hell, why not :P 3. I didn't call anyone a creep. I called them fucktards. I don't mean anyone that plays games, I love gaming. But people that would purposely avoid their girlfriend to play gaming. Then again, I haven't played Bioshock xD

acesarge 0
MadaZer0 8

Gonna agree with the British guy... plus... BioShock is shit compared to MW2... Wait... *goes and plays Bio Shock 2* .... Did I say MW2 was better than BS2...? O.O Think I was high when I said that...

dude modern warfare 2 ******* sucked...

Not trying to be a berd, but: Headshot?

sublime93 0

71...just cause you suck at mw2 doesn't make it a bad game. it's awesome

MadaZer0 8

I agree with subline... I can kick your ass in it and my kill/death ratio is a 0.69!!! Oh shit... did I write that o.o...

71: Seems like that's the only excuse cod lovers can say.

BBoureaux 8

Excuse me, 23, but are you saying gay people aren't normal? As a matter of fact, are you saying gay people don't play video games? What the hell ARE you saying, seriously?

bioshock is the shit stop being a winey ****