By Anonymous - 07/11/2016 20:13

Today, I went to the store to buy new blankets and a comforter. A cute guy started chatting with me and asked about the new bedroom decor. I lied and said I just had a major break up and needed new things, instead of admitting I was too lazy to dig out and wash my winter blankets from last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 847
You deserved it 3 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

I hope you sleep well in your blanket of lies. Lies I say.

You didn't even need to say you had a break up, people replace blankets and duvets all the time.


why lie? Just enjoy your new blanket and **** the begrudgers.

why didn't you just invited you mom over dinner and you know how much they want to help have her help you get them out and wash them problem done and save you money

I don't get the 'that could've happened to me' thing, isn't it supposed to be 'you deserved it' ???

"I was just in the mood for a change,." See how easy it is not to have to make up a big lie?

Jokes on you, you're supppsed to wash new bedding before you use it.

Why is it that this does not have a YDI when it is obviously the OPs fault? You didn't want to get your blankets from storage and wash them. So you bought new ones. And you chose to lie about it to impress a cute guy. So you definitely deserve it.

Your situation basically sums up everything in my closet. I need help.

Must be nice to have that kind of disposable income.

umm wouldn't it be more work to go to the store spend an hour looking for your new bedding then you gotta bring it home throw out all the packaging wash it dry it ect thats easier than going in a closet and opening a box 0.o