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By Username - 01/07/2011 21:47 - United States

Today, I was so broke that I paid for a $0.28 candy bar with my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 293
You deserved it 12 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LRyuzaki17 0

where the heck did you fin a candy bar for only 28 cents??

Maybe you shouldn't buy frivolous items when you're out of money. use your credit card to buy a meal, rather than candy.



I sure hope they get a "Payday" soon! maybe even a "hundred grand"! I would travel all the way to the "Milky Way" for "Mounds" of money! and if u didnt get that u fail....

where did you find a candy bar for under $2.50??

no wonder you are broke if you can't hold the urge of eating a $0.28 candy bar...YTDI

I agree. maybe you should've just not bought it. if you can't afford things, don't buy them. problem fixed.

KingGeorgeGal 12

Just wondering what candy bar is 28 cents?& I suggest getting a 2nd job or something (:

yummycupkake 0

what candy bar can you get for 28 cents? lucky ass :/ all the good stuff like swedish fish are like .. 1.50 where I live

Back when I was a kid, you could get a dozen candy bars for a dollar. Can't do that nowadays. Too many ****** security cameras.

IphonFML 6

what kinda candy bar is 28 cents? lol

ha you obviously don't know food stamps are a good thing-_-smh wateverrr

I hate how people look down on people just get a job. If It was so easy honey everyone would be working and people won't be going hungry. But it doesn't work like that.

hellogoodbye1996 6

hmm BROKE + CANDY= lazy obese american with no job.

skidoo800HO 2

I just want a candy bar that cheap

I know! Where the hell is op that he pays $0.28 on a candy bar, the 60's?

hellogoodbye1996 6
skyttlz 32

The cheapest I can find candy bars is about 70 cents at Walmart. OP where are you finding them for 28 cents!

wiredream 0
victimization 0

I hear the business is growing faster than the medical field

seriously? that's not even funny at all. you don't say that to someone. wht the hell, it's illegal moron.

58 - I dont know how long you have been on FML but hardly anybody really means what they say on here. It's just to be funny and get thumbs up

Reaper4131 0

maybe she had a personal experience

LRyuzaki17 0

where the heck did you fin a candy bar for only 28 cents??

I'm guessing somewhere in Illinois, definitely makes me contemplate on moving there

if your that broke why waste more money on useless stuff.

stuner56 22
saxal28 0

I live in Illinois and I wish candy was that cheap

Maybe you shouldn't buy frivolous items when you're out of money. use your credit card to buy a meal, rather than candy.

Umm my guess is somewhere in Illinois, definitely contemplating on moving there.

woah there's a matchmaker for a reason

their ain't no 28 cent candy bars in Illinois!

At least you bought it! But that is pretty sad!