By KilteDKilleR - 15/10/2011 14:02 - United States

Today, I went to visit my grandpa. He has an easily excited dog, who barreled into my freshly broken knee. I felt my knee move out of place again. The dog chipped a tooth. We went to the vet first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 705
You deserved it 3 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments


beccalyn244 4

my dog comes first too i hope the dogs ok ;(

grouperslayer20 0

Is the dog ok? I'm so worried about it

RebekahBrooke 9

I hate people that are commenting saying stupid things about dog not being important. I see how yes, the human is very important, but you must remember that dogs don't understand what's going on, and may be frightened, even if it was only a chipped tooth. Sorry for your knee, but animals are like little kids: easily scared, and they don't know what's happening. You have to care for them all the time. Sorry about your knee though. But did you not expect it, if you knew he was easily excited?

Jewdazking23 5

God Damn!!!! Has anyone noticed that RebekahBrooke is crazy hot!!!!!!!!!????????

ok "freshly broken" knee? well i shall say YDI because in the first place you should be at home resting your leg,not visiting gpa..

Chrispayne 4

So ur dumbass has a knee injury and think it is a good idea to be around things that r going to hump it? Ydi

Yep, because OP can literally avoid everything that ever happens to him. Totally feasible.

daydreamer244 13

someone needs to get that dog a leash.

stacianichole 2