By KilteDKilleR - 15/10/2011 14:02 - United States

Today, I went to visit my grandpa. He has an easily excited dog, who barreled into my freshly broken knee. I felt my knee move out of place again. The dog chipped a tooth. We went to the vet first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 705
You deserved it 3 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lizard399 0

Well at least the dog's alright. He's got matters to handle with those teeth! You on the other hand, wtf do you need your knee for? It was already broken anyways. Haha asshole grandpa.

lizard399 0

People don't get sarcasm on here? O_o

if you know the dog is excitable, why weren't you more careful? sounds like someone did something stupid and blamed a puppy.

stop being selfish! think about other people (well in this case the dog) for once!

USA. Place where noone gives a shit about family. And i will also get warn for this because i was speaking against USA and not other countries.

Miscellaneous519 2

@140 Yeah, you will get warn, because you know that's bs..... as an American who has a parent from Europe and also has half of his family living in Europe, I know what goes on over there. There are just many "wtf" instances over there as there are in America. In fact, in a lot of ways, we tend to be a more "moral" ppl than they are. Think about it, America has the most church goers of any developed nation, we have a "war on drugs", over half of Americans are pro-life solely on the basis of maintaining the traditional notion of the family. I feel like there are a lot of ppl in this nation who have no true notion of what goes on in the world outside of the US.

Non-religious people are moral as well, so churches do not mean anything in morality. Americas "war on drugs" is worthless, since it doesn't really do anything. A lot of people already maintain the notion of family in Europe as well etc. So your argument really isn't worth jack shit.

hahah the dog thought your leg was a chew toy. uh ohh

Wow that sucks! Who the **** decided to go to the vet first?

@145 there has been church goers who go to church every sunday and say grace at dinner but the rest of the time they are a homicidal maniac. so the church goer, religious thing holds absolutely no water, and i dont care how many family members you have in Europe, the original comment was talking about USA. he didnt say that sort of thing didnt happen in other countries, he just said that people would get all pissy about it because it was against america but if it was another country noone with the exception of a few whiny foreigners would give a shit