By Anonymous - 17/01/2011 02:43 - United States

By Anonymous - 17/01/2011 02:43 - United States
By Kelsie - 26/08/2023 16:00 - United States - Miami
By anon - 08/03/2009 08:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/01/2011 10:48 - Canada
By Chronicus Ironia - 17/10/2018 07:30 - United States
By tattooooooface - 28/01/2010 13:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/07/2012 16:02 - United States - South Bend
By noname1025 - 04/09/2012 16:44 - United States - Lamar
By Anonymous - 06/03/2024 11:00 - United Kingdom - Greenwich
By DAMMit - 27/07/2009 08:12 - Australia
By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 04:19 - United States
ouch, that hurts
And it might hurt even more when he gets tested for STDs
I got 3 to 1 on the sexy latino lawn mower man hunk.
dude, what's mine say? sweet what's mine sat? dude! whats mine say? sweet! what's mine say? dude where's my car FTW?
OP, she's still your daughter no matter what. even if not biologically, you've been with her since she was born... but your wife on the other hand...
Time to go on Maury ;D
Faternity test?
I don't think you can take that test until they are in college.
no you can take it even while there still in the womb and stuff but they have to be in like the 3rd trimester or somethin
No offence OP, but your wife is a *****.
Not just a ***** but ******* thotomis prime
wow! normally I would say ydi for getting a name tattoo but kids are different!! well someone else may be the father but if you raise her properly you can be her dad
Yeah the whole cheating thing is more an FML than the tatoo. the tat just makes it more... not ironic but just cruel in general. Bit it's still OP's daughter. I doubt EVEN IF the parents get divorced (not saying they should or shouldn't) I don't think a father of four months is going to just give up his kid because she's the spawn of another man. that's just heartless.
' I don't think a father of four months is going to just give up his kid because she's the spawn of another man. that's just heartless' But what if the other man wants his kid? What will OP become? Stepdad? No, because it's more than likely he will divorce the mother. So, technically, he will be nothing than the guy who took care of anothers person his kid for four months. OP's wife is heartless. The only thing OP can do is visit the child regularly, but what's the point? The child will remind him constantly about his cruel wife and the other man. Painful. OP, FYL. The only reason why I might vote on YDI (but I am not going to do it), is because it wasn't nice of you to get a tattoo without even telling your wife. It's an imporant decision, and in a relationship you don't take them alone. But that's one tiny YDI for a big FYL.
I agree names of significant others are stupid, but the name off what you believe at least is your child isn't. if I child is yours it is your forever and nothing can change that, so op you were in the right. your wife on the other hand was very wrong in what she did and really the several men she did as well. good luck. I fully support men prepared to man up and be a father, we need more men like that, really for all men to be like that before they lay down with a woman.
Divorce, kick her out of the house/apartment. The kids yours, you've cared and loved it all this time, though I wouldn't fault you for leaving her with the kid, I'd just feel bad for the bastard. Get child support from the mom and if you're not the biological dad, from him too, he ****** your wife.
I agree with 103, except he shouldn't need his wife's permission to get a tattoo, it's HIS body. granted I don't see why he wouldn't just be like "hey I'm going to get a tattoo of our kid's name".... kind of a weird thing to hide. op - if you love the child and your wife isn't looking for the biological father, no one would blame you for still being there for the kid in which case you would be the dad in all ways but sharing DNA. you should leave your wife though, she's a *****.
**** the tattoo why would you need to make a "decision" together when it's your body. Obviously you didn't make the decision together for her to go smash burger with a grip of dudes. Drop that ho and move on brotha man.
I agree with sexy here... sucks you didnt catch her cheating before you married... **** **** **** your life, man o man!!!
Sorry for being ignorant here, but what does FTW mean? Is it just WTF backwards?
for the win
FTW = for the win
Oh that makes a lot more sense.
win^^^ purplepeeps
woow you are gorgeous!!!
FTW- **** the world what r u twelve?
No, he knew the whole time. That's why he married her..... Dumbass..
slutty wife...
yea, what a *****
Ludacris was right - you can't turn a hoe into a housewife.
I agree what a ***** and don't worry OP you helped raise the baby for four months other than what the sperm donor did.
I guess I'm glad I'm not a man. I'd be a wife beater for this shit! That's doin too much!
Beating is never acceptable. Cheating isn't either (especially with so many people, on a spouse, etc), but beating doesn't solve anything and is a very serious matter.
34 = win
haha! me too!
wow! normally I would say ydi for getting a name tattoo but kids are different!! well someone else may be the father but if you raise her properly you can be her dad
ouch, that hurts