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Bad boy

By DogBeater - 21/06/2016 01:21 - United States

Today, I've just moved into a new apartment. It's also the day my big baby of a dog stepped on a rock and began yelping when I tried to touch his paw. He "suddenly" felt better after I carried him inside. Now everyone thinks I'm beating my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 083
You deserved it 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did someone confront you for beating your dog? Or did you just see them looking at you and assumed they were judging you? I do not think dog brutality is so common that people would see a crying dog and assume he was beaten.

did you try explaining to people what happened or just assume that they wouldn't listen?


your dog is just a big baby and it worked he is lazy haha

Did someone confront you for beating your dog? Or did you just see them looking at you and assumed they were judging you? I do not think dog brutality is so common that people would see a crying dog and assume he was beaten.

Perhaps his neighbours have been giving him dirty looks since the incident.

Ask most people wouldn't beat a dog and then tenderly carrying it inside.

Unfortunately, we now live in a time where people believe things like crates or having a large dog in an apartment or anything but full on positive reinforcement training is cruel. My apartment was bigger than my current house and had a fenced yard, but people thought it was cruel for me to have my big dogs there, but not here despite the fact that they get out EVERY day no matter where we live so we can all get some exercise. My mom came to visit and thought I was so hard on my dogs because I expect them to listen. I love my boys and they are intact, high energy dogs so I do work with them extensively to make sure they are good representatives of the species and their breeds. They are spoiled absolutely rotten and, in fact, my 60 lb hairless Xolo is sitting next to me on our leather couch with a cashmere blanket down so the dang princess doesn't have to touch the cold leather, but I am still too hard on my dogs, I guess. People typically tell me that if they have to come back as a dog, they want to be one of mine, but there are softies out there who think I rule with an iron fist. The reality is that these dogs, especially the Xolo, have me wrapped around their paws.

Actually in this country people jump right to "you beating that dog!!???" One of the biggest reality shows right now is how there are millions of abused dogs and people have always been more concerned with people beating their dogs than their kids. "I heard whining was that the dog" "Nope thy were just beating the neighbor kid" "Oh well that's alright"

did you try explaining to people what happened or just assume that they wouldn't listen?

Well at least your SO didn't walk in and think you were beating off your dog...

SaltyLurker 10

My dog stubbed his toe and was crying like a baby before. I'm sure if you explained people would understand.

rldostie 19

I'm sure it's in your head. Dogs yelp and cry all the time. Unless they saw you doing something, I doubt that was their first assumption. And if I see someone tenderly carrying their dog inside after it yelps, I'm going to assume that's a good, loving owner. Of course, I'm the mom of a 90 lbs Alaskan Malamute so I automatically assume your dog is huge. I guess it wouldn't be uncommon for someone to carry in one or those tiny, toy dogs, good doggy parent or not.


it's okay my German Shepherd screams bloody murder if you try to make him sit when he thinks he will get to ride in the car. I've had neighbors threaten to call ASPCA for abuse. At training last week we had multiple people, including the owner, walk out and see if someone was killing a dog because he didn't want to listen to the trainer. it's SUPER fun. lol