By notnicefools - 29/05/2012 02:51 - United States - San Diego

Today, I went to visit my husband's grave. I was unable to mourn in peace because some teenagers were smoking pot and talking about a government conspiracy "to change the way gravity works" on the next grave over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 603
You deserved it 2 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anti666 17

I'm sorry. That's so rude, especially in a cemetery.


My sister just died. I probably would have ragekilled to add to the total of bodies in the cemetery, but that's just me. |the kid|

unknown_user5566 26

Sorry for your loss. I can't imagine losing a sibling.

The 9 people that have said YDI so far are obviously stoners that have no respect for the deceased.

That's horrible and not to mention the 10 people that said you deserved it... I'm sorry for your loss... Prayers to your family

That is just plain wrong. The only consolation I can offer is that your late husband didn't have to see that crap.

oh im so sorry to hear :-( hope u could of made it up to mourn for him.....hey why dont u make a little like space for him in ur house like the japaneese do its got like a picture of the passed away person n sum nice incence it will save u from having a horrible experiance like that again!

Whatever their reasons were, that was incredibly disrespectful of them, and I hope that you don't have to encounter anymore idiotic assholes like that... You deserve to be able to mourn the death of a loved one in peace and I'm so sorry people like that have interrupted you in doing so.

mintstashinurtea 5

should have taken a hit, might have cheered you up