By Basically_ - 11/05/2015 21:24 - United States - Charleroi

Today, I went to work at my job as a CNA at a long-term care facility. I'm also on a medication that has a side effect of confusion. I had 3 residents with Alzheimer's tell me to 'get my shit together.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 902
You deserved it 4 705

Basically_ tells us more.

OP here! Maybe I should have specified that the medication causes mild confusion, as in, maybe I forget where a specific resident keeps their towels. Alzheimer's residents can get very upset if everything is not done in a specific way. I would never go to work if I thought I could not do my job!

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

Maybe it would be better to take some time off until you're done using that medication. Or at least until you can get those side effects under control. I wouldn't want a doped-up nurse taking care of me.

I'm sorry but them telling you to get your shit together is pretty funny. Hopefully the side effects of your medication go away.


You might want to call your Dr. and report the side effect. That could be problematic

hektek 11

you're in the wrong job, the possibility of something catastrophic happening is too great, get your doctor to change your medication.

Are you sure it's 3 residents but not one? You know, in case you're confused at that time. Still, FYL.

lesalmi 5

That's reckless and irresponsible not to mention It is against the law for you to work if you are on "mind numbing" meds. If you don't have a clear level head then you should not be working. So yes get your shit together and take time off until your not on that med or until you've adjusted enough till it's not a side effect for you

We don't know what medication she's on. It might be something she has to take for her whole life.

OP here! Maybe I should have specified that the medication causes mild confusion, as in, maybe I forget where a specific resident keeps their towels. Alzheimer's residents can get very upset if everything is not done in a specific way. I would never go to work if I thought I could not do my job!

I'm sorry but them telling you to get your shit together is pretty funny. Hopefully the side effects of your medication go away.

@OP: No offense, but in my experience people rarely actually know their own limitations. You might think you are still capable, but that might not be reality. I don't know what your situation is, but someone working in health care should have a clear head.

Not sure what meds you're on, but try cutting the doses up throughout the day. That's what my husband has to do to keep his shit together, and it seems to work wonders.

Maybe you do need to get your shit together then?

That's okay. I'm not on medication and when I'm at work I forget where things are too! And I've been working there for a year lol

kalist19 3

You might need a dosage adjustment. Have you been taking this dose for long? Is it a new medication or was your dose increased recently? Guessing it's for neuropathic pain, epilepsy or anxiety? Titrate your dose slowly to help minimize side effects. If you've been at this dose for a while and it's still a problem talk to your physician or pharmacist about alternatives. Good luck OP!

MrsDavehn 11

welp, that's the last time I use my Sun roof. It's always terrified me!