By KittenTime - 26/05/2011 21:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I witnessed the miracle of life. More specifically, my cat giving birth on my bed at four in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 096
You deserved it 7 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you get pregnant, don't expect your family to keep you. Bitch.


btnhdude 0

I shall now nickname Raynard, Raynerd.

is it ironic that Bob BARKER wants your pets spade a nudered?

Oh yeah, so ironic. This one time I saw a show that said I should possibly fix my pets...How ironic that years later my cat got pregnant and gave birth on my bed. It would be ironic if Bob Barker had a bunch of pets give birth to litters of babies.

hey! I mean sorry it was on your bed, but congrats on the kittens! that's really exciting :)

Aren't there enough homeless cats already? You have to bring more into the world? You don't deserve to even own a cat. THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH HOMES FOR THEM ALL!!!

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Wait, how is not owning a cat fixing the problem??

SoccerRebel594 0

I'm sensing crazy cat lady...

Nope. i hate cats. I'm a dog person. But I'm seriously aware of the homeless pet problem and I know how many animals are killed each day because the shelters are always too full. OP hasn't a clue that allowing the cat to have kittens just makes the problem that much worse.

settle your granny panties. Jeeezz.

i understand. You "younguns" don't have to care about shit. Forgive me for caring about more than just my own needs. But Granny Panties are Comfortable! ;-D

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I really hope this doesn't turn into another pet controversy. Anyway, I think OP's plight is not that the kittens were born. I'm pretty sure OP was aware that the cat was pregnant. It's the hour and place of birth that was unfortunate. Especially if they work in the morning.

I'm kinda surprised how many people didn't take the FML like that honestly. I think the OP would notice a pregnant cat, and I know I wouldn't be happy about a cat giving birth on my bed while I slept. I think it could be kinda cute that they went to the bed though, cats like to go somewhere they find really safe to give birth (they usually go somewhere completely alone).

ReynshineCutting 10

OP posted on another comment and said she had no clue her cat was pregnant. Therefore she's an irresponsible pet owner who doesn't deserve to have pets.

And you are judging and insulting a person based on one comment that was in now way offensive to you therefore you MUST be a close-minded bitch,

WickedPixie 0

I was sad when I missed our cat giving birth, I could have seen my current kitten baby being born. Be thankful you got to witness the miracle of kitten birth, your bedding is washable. Ungrateful wench. >:O

808Boyo 4

Did you waste like half your life writing this ******* comment? if so spend the other half writing a suicide note.

frogguts 0

heyyyy theres nothing bad about this u can just clean ur sheets.

Did you hold the kitten up from the edge of your bed lion king style??