By KittenTime - 26/05/2011 21:03 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 03/10/2012 16:29 - United States - Santee
By Anonymous - 22/11/2014 15:34 - United States - Waterville
By HannaMD - 26/01/2015 15:21 - Canada
By Anonymous - 23/11/2012 01:34 - United States - Springville
By Fykkhttdsetkkhvln - 26/04/2009 16:45 - United States
Wake up, human!
By inveralaska - 16/06/2016 21:22 - United Kingdom
By GoddamnCat - 13/07/2023 01:00 - United States - Carson City
Welcome to the family!
By Sprtsgeek13 - 13/09/2012 12:37 - United States - Camden
Rise and shine
By Anonymous - 29/04/2020 08:00
Surprise, human!
By Anonymous - 22/04/2024 09:00 - United States
Top comments
great way to start the morning!
128 Your picture perfectly fits your comment lol.
I don't see the FML part of this. You're cat gave birth, it's nature, how is that bad? Some people are so ungrateful.
I wonder if the cat gave birth to a pop tart cat that goes nyan nyan nyan!
no offense, but ewwww!! who wants cat blood on their bed? I think there's blood at least. I'm not sure.
placenta covered kittens on your bed . FYL
the cat eats the placenta, I had a good comment after that but I forgot lol, sorry about that
Ugh we watched that movie in science class... Nasty.
I watched it today in health....
never watched it but I did see pictures of a cat giving birth in a school library book when I was 9, I didn't think it was gross is it really that nasty to see something give birth?
watched it last year in seventh grade sex Ed... sooo awkward... my science teacher now decided to share with us that before they had the movie, it was of her giving birth to her son... I'm so glad I got the miracles of life instead!
Had that girl ever seen a razor?? Especially if she was going to be in a movie.
She had a head of hair near her privates >_
I remember the giving birth movie. it was almost 3 years ago and I'm still scar(r)ed for life. it's all calm and then BAM baby coming out
We took baby cats out of a dead pregnant cat in anatomy the other day.
134... um, yeah, personal grooming still matters for a lot of pregnant ladies.
To the people criticizing the woman about not shaving: when one is nine months pregnant, she probably doesn't care about if she shaves down there. She wouldn't be able to reach it anyway. A pregnant woman's "stomach" isn't soft and squishy; it's quite the opposite. But I agree, that video was so awkward. I would hate to be that kid when he's in biology or health. He'd be in class watching the video and say, "HOLY SHIT, MOM!" and be scarred for life. I pity him.
161... easy to reach, harder to see, use a mirror (or husband)... I didn't meet one prego chick in any of my classes that didn't shave or at least trim a bit...
there's a reason they call it a pussycat .....
or the cat couldve been smoking weed that would b bad.... but a much better story and if that was the case I would buy a cat to have a smoking buddy
Eww. Were you in the bed when it happened?
it's 4am where else would she be
62- My thoughts exactly.
I happen to know a Sarah Bellah.. xD
herp derp. dumbass.
awww that's lovely =) we had a neighbourhood cat come through our window and give birth behind my wardrobe...we didn't know until we heard a litter of kittens meowing a few weeks later =/
Yes, a few weeks later. Kittens don't exactly start prancing around and meowing right at birth. Your future argument is invalid. Good day, sir.
well I personally didn't notice them until the night I got back from hospital after a 3 month stay, however my partner had said that he saw a white cat jump out our bedroom window about 2 weeks before I got out...however he didn't happen to close the window because it was going on summer and he's not the brightest spark...but anyways I was laying there that night and I start to hear little meows...more like mew mew mew so I went looking and had to pull out our HUGE corner wardrobe and there they were 5 white and a ginger still with their eyes closed barely able to move....satisfied as to why we didn't notice as soon as they popped?
I just though I would fill you in on some of the events leading upto them being found, just so I could save people from asking other questions etc
One of my cats started meowing and wandering around within an hour of her birth. We weren't sure if she was brave or just stupid. She's still a really loud meower.
When you get pregnant, don't expect your family to keep you. Bitch.
you can always get your cat desexed
Yeah, there's a reason you can go to your local ASPCA and get your cat spayed for almost nothing. (Sometimes it is free.) I'm curious as to how many cats this chick has gone through since she "always" gives away pregnant cats. The best way to avoid having a pregnant cat is getting the damn thing spayed. It ends up saving more lives in the end.
you are a terrible animal owner; please never own animals ever again. thanks to you and others like you, thousand of animals are killed ever year, for no reason other than overpopulation. if you aren't responsible enough or don't have the money to properly spay/neuter your pet, please don't have one. also, what kind of uncaring, unbonding, unloving person gives away their animal pal because it gets pregnant?!? wtf is wrong with you?
And btw, they suffer their whole life. My couisin is a vet. All these stupid people used to come in and be like "my cat has a disease!" Or "my cat only has one baby! Help!". The funniest line he heard was "I'm not spaying them, it's abuse!" Yet, ruining it's life is apparently better to them. Sigh.
desexed is another way of saying spayed or neutered. in australia it's called desex.
you do realise that youl eventually run out of friends and family to palm off your pregnant kitty. get a male cat, or even better, get your kitty desexed so you can actually keep a cat for longer than 6 months at a time!
you're an uncaring awful person to do that. if you had them spayed (as you should be)you wouldn't have prego cats... maybe just get boy cats...damn you're stupid
You can still get your cat spayed while it's preggers, kinda like an abortion. I'm not really for it but it's better then adding more unwanted cats to the world. And if you're needlessly giving away your cats you're taking away potential homes from cats that need them. As someone who works at a vet, I don't understand why some people don't spay/neuter and vaccinate their pets immediately. It's cruel.
I hope you get pregnant & your parents don't keep you, you selfish inconsiderate bitch.
Cats are ******* sick!!!!!! Ya dislike my comment you loser. Your just mad no one likes YOUR comments.

When you get pregnant, don't expect your family to keep you. Bitch.