By dafuqdidisee - 19/05/2013 06:30 - United States - Sunnyvale

Today, I woke up and went into my living room, only to be greeted by my aunt, sister, and mother watching a very graphic video showing women giving birth. They forced me to stay and watch it until the end. It was almost 90 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 895
You deserved it 5 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least they prepared you for when your woman gives birth. That won't seem so bad then.

Bliss391 7

Family movie night gone wrong!


It's sad that you were forced to watch. You should only have to watch when it requires you to.

Yo I've been in your shoes I know it sucks

Technically they cant force you to do anything

perdix 29

#39, did you see "A Clockwork Orange?" There was a technique to force someone to watch something. They can "technically" force to to do things, but "legally" and "morally," they cannot. You should report them to the police or the local ethicist.

OP they made you a part of the sisterhood! Soon you'll be wearing a red hat!!

How did they force you? If they didn't physically restrain you it's your own fault for not walking out. Or doing something disturbing to get them to throw you out. Like fake masturbating.

seniorchang 16

Sorry you had to bear such a slimy situation. If you were a little more pushy about it you could've just headed out and escaped that tight spot.

Forced? Which one of these women held the assault rifle on you? Geeze!

Well depending on how many children you have you better get used to it...

Kuhu1993 21

Well buddy, thats how you came to the world anyway!