By Fail. - 20/10/2009 05:43 - Australia

Today, I woke up at 3am after 2 hours sleep to get to my 7.40am interview with the Air Force. I went through a full medical check, a psych test and an interview with military personnel, was there for 7 hours with no food and only water to drink, only to be told I wasn't suited to the position I applied for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 195
You deserved it 7 493

Hazzaa tells us more.

Woah, okay. Let's go. MEPS - I don't know what the hell this is, but it doesn't exist in Australia. Qualifications - You could have all the qualifications in the world, and still not be suited to a position. It's sad, but it's true. The OP said nothing about qualifications, and pretty sure general entry into the Australian Defence Force only requires you have your High School Certificate. Sleep - Perhaps nerves kept her from getting a good night's sleep. Understandable if this job meant a lot to her. Preparation - Sometimes, no amount of preparation can quell one's nerves, particularly with things of great personal importance. Time - I have had an ADF interview, and on the letter it says the process should take four hours. Also, you have no choice about what time your interview is. Food - The OP obviously believed that it wouldn't take much longer than 4 hours, so didn't feel the need to take any food. When I had mine, there was no food available for interviewees, only tea and coffee. And I, for one, was too worried that I would be called to one of the interviews while I was out if I went to get food somewhere else. OP, FYL.

Top comments

You went to bed at 1am knowing full well the importance of your interview the next day, and presumably the fact that you'd need to wake up exceptionally early? Wow, how I wish someone put you in the cockpit of multimillion dollar aircraft. That's just what we need. YDI

You had to get up at 3 am to get there by 7:40? How far away do you live?


Isn't that what Air Force interviews are suppose to do... put you through many tests to see if your qualified? That's what they did...

jts2 3

Why are there so many negative comments about the Air Force, and some over the military itself? Learn your facts before you start to insult, people like lordmoe-- And to those who are insulting the Air Force, well, just what the **** is wrong with it? My brother is an adamant participator in our school's AFJROTC program.

Clearly you aren't. No one cares about you or your brother jts2.

Live_And_Let_Liv 0

dude b4 u even sign up for the Air Force u should know it's going to be tough. my dad's in the military. STOP BEING A PUSSY AND SUCK IT UP.

Oh yeah, it's so incredibly tough in the chAir Force. Sometimes the TV doesn't even work in your hotel room!

Join the Army. They take just about anyone.

Join the infantry and laugh in their faces when you have to pull them out a burning wreck.

the engineers design the aircraft with certain things in mind... suitability for all body types are not. as opposed to other industries which focus more on usability for everyone. take a car for instance: they're built to accomodate for about 95% of people (cutting off the obscenely fat, tall, short, disfigured) the air force (having their MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR precisely built aircraft): take a much smaller one... i can't remember the statistic but i'm pretty sure it's between 60% and 30%.

Probably because you made the stupid move of not giving yourself ample time for sleep and food. I'm sure a whole lot of your answers were pretty screwed up. Go check up on mister Abe Maslow.

who gets rejected by the airforce? what a fag. airforce is the easiest shit to get into and do. you fail.

well you're an idiot. I don't know where you're from, but in Australia it's very competitive they don't just let dumb-ass's off the street in. General entry is easier to get in though