By Fail. - 20/10/2009 05:43 - Australia

Today, I woke up at 3am after 2 hours sleep to get to my 7.40am interview with the Air Force. I went through a full medical check, a psych test and an interview with military personnel, was there for 7 hours with no food and only water to drink, only to be told I wasn't suited to the position I applied for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 195
You deserved it 7 493

Hazzaa tells us more.

Woah, okay. Let's go. MEPS - I don't know what the hell this is, but it doesn't exist in Australia. Qualifications - You could have all the qualifications in the world, and still not be suited to a position. It's sad, but it's true. The OP said nothing about qualifications, and pretty sure general entry into the Australian Defence Force only requires you have your High School Certificate. Sleep - Perhaps nerves kept her from getting a good night's sleep. Understandable if this job meant a lot to her. Preparation - Sometimes, no amount of preparation can quell one's nerves, particularly with things of great personal importance. Time - I have had an ADF interview, and on the letter it says the process should take four hours. Also, you have no choice about what time your interview is. Food - The OP obviously believed that it wouldn't take much longer than 4 hours, so didn't feel the need to take any food. When I had mine, there was no food available for interviewees, only tea and coffee. And I, for one, was too worried that I would be called to one of the interviews while I was out if I went to get food somewhere else. OP, FYL.

Top comments

You went to bed at 1am knowing full well the importance of your interview the next day, and presumably the fact that you'd need to wake up exceptionally early? Wow, how I wish someone put you in the cockpit of multimillion dollar aircraft. That's just what we need. YDI

You had to get up at 3 am to get there by 7:40? How far away do you live?


toxi, when I took the GED, I set an appointment like a month in advance. I know a lot of places make the applicants face a waiting period to make sure that their truly prepared. I didnt study, and I hit 90 percent or above for everything but math. judging by your comments, You're a smart cookie. You'll do well.

lol wtf? what does this have anything to do with what toxi said?

Thank you. :) I don't think they even let me make appointments here. They just say "our classes are this time - that time." But then, this isn't for the actual GED. It's for the TABE assessment. I live in Tennessee, aka hell, and there is red tape on top of red tape here. They make it impossible for anyone to get ahead. I've been out of school for over two years no. I could be out of college, had the laws not forbidden that (yeah, I know that's the same anywhere in the US). I was going to start college September 28, but nooooo. Now I'm aiming for January 4th. If I don't make it for that, you'll see me on the news for mass murder.

I feel for you, OP. got knocked back for the same thing last month. RAAF is way more picky than the other services; if you like anything with the others have a go at them.

YDI for not going to bed earlier. FYL for having to stay there the whole day and not being fed. That sucks. Even if they weren't going to give you food, you'd think they'd give you time to go to the base cafeteria or something.

Something very similar happened to me 13 years ago. A full day of tests followed by "oh, you have a history of asthma so you're automatically disqualified. Otherwise you tested through the roof." I am SO happy they rejected me, I feel lucky that they did. Don't worry, it's meant to be. :-)

JameyJimbo 0

I went through a year of these tests, got flown up to Tamworth for 2 weeks of flying testing and got told that i was unsuitable. And they tell you that there is going to be downtime and that you should bring food to your tests, they also tell you how long the breaks are and if you have enough time to go buy something. Do you have to be spoonfed too?

oh wow, that sucks, :( i also applied, but was turned back cause i found out at the last minute i had a heart murmur. Eeeeekk, raaf was my life dream. Ah well, but they did have like random food scattered around like muesli bars, i didnt eat them though, was so nervous i probably would have hurled. Maybe try again in another 6 months, but choose lower positions. Maybe if you were going for an officer position, aim for a general entry position. They're not easy to get in to, but they may be slightly easier on you and expect less than from a potential officer.

wow, i never met someone that was such a bitch the Air Force turned them down. you must really be a little pussy

jts2 3

Hey, ass. How about you shut up?

Your an ass... The air force has never lost a war... But all the other branches have.... Being currently in the AF it is honestly a lot harder to get in then you would think... So shove it

Welcome to the military. sounds like meps. my bf had to go through that 5 times.

perdix 29

You think your country ought to trust you with a multi-million dollar aircraft just because you can handle some mild sleep deprivation? Really? I doubt you passed the psych test because you're ******* crazy!

WeaknessLeaving 0

A very small percentage of people in the Air Force fly a plane.... just fyi, she may not have been trying to become a pilot. I've got a computer/desk job in the AF.

perdix 29

I know. Isn't that what they call the "tooth to tail" ratio and it is 10:1 or higher? Also, people fly other things than sexy fighter jets. Those big A130 (?) freight carrying planes are sure useful, but they are not sexy. I just thought it would be funnier if the OP wanted to be "Top Gun."

That sucks. But, what you went through isn't unusual in the army, so if you didn't like the taste, you won't like the meal.