By watersport - 10/03/2010 17:56 - United States

Today, I woke up because I really had to pee. I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and went back to bed. Or so I thought. I did pee, but I only dreamed that I got out of bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 168
You deserved it 4 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ross2Smoove 0

lol that happened to me before

baseballboy6595 0

to everybody being a douche to OP, it's completly normal. it's called a false awakening, and usually people experience 1 or 2 in their lives. quite commonly people dream they went to the bathroom, and end up releasing their bladder in reality. op, don't worry. there is no way this will be a regular thing. to everyone else, u have a good chance of it happening to you (all tho not all false awakenings make you wet your bee, the one I have experienced didn't)


That must've pist you off. Ummm, can we get a little Perdix insight up in here please?

I don't mean to sound creep-ish, but you have pretty eyes lol

omg that happened to me when I was 6! haha not saying just 6 yr olds do it... lol just saying it happens

kyliebeatriz08 0

ha, that sucks! I hate those realistic dreams one can't ever distinguish between dream n reality while sleeping. FYL....

haha... happened to me once... sucks when u wake up to that warm spreading feel on ur abdomen...

FYL for sure! that has totally happened to me before, and now, every time i wake up to go pee, i'm scared that i'm actually asleep.

mjolene 0

@philosophic - Thank you!! Finally, someone else who thinks Ajjas is a ******* retarded ass looking 12 year old.

dreamt about getting out of bed to go pee .,...hmm well this a new one for me umm yea any one else wonder how you dream of this

Oh god that happened to me when i was 10. Sucks. =="

spazzman 0

omg this has happened to me, but luckily I woke up right whenthe stream started, I felt a but of it run down my side and stopped. I've also spat on myself in my sleep, dreaming I was spitting in the shower. wierd experience.