By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 16:41 - Canada

Today, I woke up early to take my dog for a walk. I wore spandex shorts. I stopped to talk to several people I know and passed a group of hot construction workers who checked me out. I just got home and realized I have the biggest cameltoe I've ever seen in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 749
You deserved it 59 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Polionixon 2

whats wrong with camel toe? Some guys like it no joke. and second WHAT IS YDI?!?

I hate how all the good comments are moderated before I get to see them

THEY MODERATED #1 that was the best comment on here =[

laffytacky_fml 0

wait. were they men? or women???

You're stupid for this reason only: You think this is an FML. It's not. It's a ******. They exist. and #74, they're LEGGINGS. Spandex is a right, not a privilege. I don't think clothes should be mandatory. A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take it all away.

ch_kisama 0

proof positive that spandex should never be worn...EVER. YDI.

God I hate sharts and things that are designed with a way so tight middle seam!!!!!

newguy_fml 0

Most of the people saying that only wearing spandex is stupid are probably guy. Ladies, we do not like it. It is great at the gym, beach or while you are running, not ok on the street or supermarket. And spandex is neither a privilege or a right, its clothing.

yoursavinggrace 0

i wear spandex at band rehearsals with tight shorts over it, and i dont get camel toes. it depends on the person. im not gonna say the people saying to never wear it on haters, because it does look bad on a lot of people. i wish people knew what looked right on them, because i for one can't pull off everything, and people letting their vags just hang out need to learn the same.