By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 16:41 - Canada

Today, I woke up early to take my dog for a walk. I wore spandex shorts. I stopped to talk to several people I know and passed a group of hot construction workers who checked me out. I just got home and realized I have the biggest cameltoe I've ever seen in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 749
You deserved it 59 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments


shirvon100 0

damn thats all i got to say

kandyjohnson 0

This ain't the 80's anymore...who wears spandex?? YDI just for wearing that!!! Apparently if you've got something like that in your closet someone needs to sign you up for What Not To Wear!! Plus how can you not know something is up your crotch??

Is your ****** hungry be cause it's eating your shorts!

honkus 0

Camel toe is so hot though. I absolutely love camel toe.

Where do you live? What's your number? :)

shadow_child 0

YDI. Try looking the mirror next time...

GoMeat4103 0

86's typo is amusing. Tight sharts.

lilcuti3pi389 0

leggings are different from spandex and ive never even seen anyone wear leggings (or spandex) as pants.. thats just not right. i thought leggings were meant to be worn UNDER pieces of clothing. lol but anywayyyyy OP, that sux for you, but still dont know why u didnt realize that!