By hannah - 15/09/2012 22:16 - New Zealand - Timaru

Today, I woke up feeling ecstatic, because last night, my crush had told my best friend he likes me a lot. I sent him a text message telling him the feeling is mutual. A little while after sending it, it hit me that his confession had only been part of a dream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 207
You deserved it 7 605

Same thing different taste


So your text said, "The feeling is mutual"? Just blame it on autocorrect and tell him it was meant to say "The flesh is melting". Wait, that may be a little worse....

Iknowsomestuff 9

Maybe not ideal but perhaps an ice breaker that can lead to finding out if the feelings are mutual?

bizarre_ftw 21

If he responds back negatively say "oh shit, wrong person! Sorry _______"

this is the type of post I wish had a follow up, I want to know if it was a good thing or a bad thing that you dis that

I'm saying the bright side is at least OP could remember their dream long enough to act on it, since I can remember mine for about 30 seconds before its adios

megamandude455 10

I know that feeling. **** you dreams and **** your realism.

AJE98 5

Not really an fml just say you sent it to the wrong person

amberr6 0

Aww if he doesn't feel the same way he's not worth your dreams.

Get it out there, life is short. Tell your crush how you feel. This "my crush" stuff is getting old, and so are you. Take that leap and maybe get what you want. Otherwise you can stop dreaming and move on.